This video tells the story of David and Goliath, as found in 1 Samuel 17:1-51. While Israel is at war, David visits his brothers at the battlefront a…
The lesson “Whom to Trust and Whom Not to Trust” teaches children more about personal responsibility and interpersonal relationships. The…
Once trust is broken, it is hard for it to be restored. This devotional navigates ways to be near to those whose trust has been broken and hearts hav…
The lesson “Comfort vs. Discomfort” teaches children to identify and label both positive and negative feelings and how those might arise …
The lesson “Accepting Responsibility within the Family” teaches children about personal responsibility and further developing Godly chara…
The lesson “Loving Your Family with Words and Actions” teaches children about healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationships, as w…
The lesson “God Created Me to Trust Him” emphasizes the importance of trusting God even when bad things happen in life. The children will…
The lesson “God’s Plan for Redemption” teaches children about God’s eternal plan for redemption. The children will be divided…
The lesson “Servanthood – Our Relationship with Others (Blue Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demons…
The lesson “Image-Bearing – Our Relationship with Ourselves (Yellow Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children…
The lesson “Zacchaeus” tells the story of the transformation of the rich man, Zacchaeus in the Bible. The children will understand how Je…
The lesson “The Rich Young Man” teaches children the importance of putting Jesus first in their lives, above all other things. The childr…
The lesson “Jesus Loves Children” uses the book of Matthew to teach the children about how Jesus loves children. Together, the children w…
The lesson “Daniel and the Lions” teaches children about the power of God, His miracles, and the story of Daniel with the lions and his f…
The lesson “Elijah and the Widow’s Son” teaches children about the story of Elijah, as well as the characteristics of a kind and co…
The lesson “Wise King Solomon” teaches children about the wisdom of King Solomon, responsibility, and asking for what one needs. The chil…
The lesson “David and Goliath” teaches children the story of David and Goliath, helping them understand how David and Goliath compared ph…
The lesson “Joshua and the Walls of Jericho” teaches children more about the importance of trusting God. After reading the story about Jo…
The lesson “God Leads the Israelites with a Pillar of Fire by Night – Cloud by Day” teaches children more about the faith in God an…
The lesson “The Israelites and the Golden Calf” teaches children about how the Israelites broke the first two Commandments and how we are…
The lesson “God Calls Moses” teaches children about how God called on Moses but that he thought the job God gave him was too hard. The ch…
The lesson “God Calls Moses” teaches children about how God called on Moses but that he thought the job God gave him was too hard. The ch…
The lesson “Baby Moses” teaches children about the story of Baby Moses and how God kept Moses and Miriam safe because of Miriam’s o…
The lesson “Joseph’s Promotion Helps His Family” uses the story of Joseph in the Bible to teach children about how families help ea…