The Interventions Guide

The Interventions Guide is a curation of high quality, evidence-based interventions that, when implemented well, will serve to advance child and youth outcomes. Interventions contain multiple resources that could include any of the following:

National Office Intervention Overview: An overview of the intervention for National Offices

Frontline Church Partner Intervention Overview: An overview of the intervention for Frontline Church Partners

Approach Guide: An overview of the sectoral approach that relates to a particular intervention or a set of interventions

Facilitator/Teacher Guide: Guidance for facilitators who are implementing the intervention

Learner Guide: Materials for learners who are participating in the intervention

Facilitator Training Guide: Important information to prepare facilitators to lead implementation of the intervention

Supplemental Materials: Additional materials to support facilitators as they implement the intervention

Monitoring & Evaluation Package: Detailed guidance about the specific monitoring and evaluation activities for the intervention

Monitoring & Evaluation Logic Model: Specific inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes for the intervention

Monitoring & Evaluation Logframe: Details about the specific indicators that should be monitored and evaluated with the intervention

Please note! The documents below are for reference only on this test website, so you can see what an FCP will experience when they access intervention materials on your site. Please go to The Interventions Guide SharePoint site (or the CAM Interventions Guide SharePoint site as applicable) to access the materials you will finalize for your FCPs.

Disaster Resilience Disaster Resilience

Health Health

Livelihoods Livelihoods

Protection Protection

Spiritual Formation Spiritual Formation

Youth Development Youth Development

Environmental Stewardship Environmental Stewardship

Gender, Equity, and Social Inclusion Gender, Equity, and Social Inclusion

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