“Principles of Leadership: Humbly Listen” discusses the importance of learning to listen with a humble attitude. Listening is an essentia…
The lesson “David and Saul” teaches children about the story of David and Saul in the Bible, discussing the reasons why Saul grew jealous…
The lesson “Samuel” teaches children about the story of how Samuel came to live in the Temple and how God called him. The children will d…
The lesson “Deborah and Barak” teaches children about Deborah’s message from God and her letter to Barak in the Bible. The children…
The lesson “God Calls Moses” teaches children about how God called on Moses but that he thought the job God gave him was too hard. The ch…
The lesson “Developing Good Listening Skills” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersonal…
The lesson “God Speaks to Me” continues to teach children the importance of communication with God and listening for His voice. Children …
The lesson “How Can I Hear God’s Voice? – Part 2” continues to teach children the importance of communication with God and li…
The lesson “How Can I Hear God’s Voice? – Part 1” teaches children the importance of communication with God and listening for…
The lesson “Empathy” teaches children more about building relationships and the importance of interacting with others in a kind and compa…