The lesson “Sharing Emotions” continues to teach children about the importance of communication in interpersonal relationships and how to…
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” teaches children at least two ways to demonstrate empathy to peers who are expressing their own emotions. C…
The lesson “Being a Genuine and Honest Friend” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and both social and self-awar…
The lesson “Whom to Trust and Whom Not to Trust” teaches children more about personal responsibility and interpersonal relationships. The…
This handout called “World Map” is an activity to be used with the Supplemental Curriculum Unit 3- God’s People: Learning About Others. This focuses …
The lesson “Do Not Be Easily Offended” helps children to further understand the benefits of strong interpersonal skills when relating to …
The lesson “Creative Self-Expression” teaches children how to recognize and identify God-given strengths and gifts in self and others, an…
The lesson “Being a Good Friend” teaches children about interacting with others in a healthy and compassionate manner, helping to develop…
The lesson “I Am Creatively Unique” teaches children about the unique differences in each individual, as well as to recognize God’s…
The lesson “Works Cooperatively with Others” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersonal …
The lesson “Caregiver Bonding” encourages a caregiver to explore how and when she feels most connected to friends, family, and community …
The lesson “Identifying Ways to Serve One Another with Love” will further help children to identify ways they can serve others. Each chil…
This infographic shows the importance of encouraging children and teenagers to grow in their faith and allowing them to participate in the disciplesh…
The lesson “Working and Playing Cooperatively” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersona…
The lesson “Relating to Peers in a Genuine Manner” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interper…
The lesson “Maintaining Good Relationships” focuses on teaching children further about the importance of effective interpersonal relation…
The lesson “Developing Good Social Skills” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and the importance of strong inte…
The lesson “Choosing Godly Friends” teaches children about the importance of healthy and compassionate relationships and establishing rew…
The lesson “Developing Healthy Self-Esteem” teaches children more about recognizing and identifying their own God-given strengths and tal…
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” teaches children how to recognize and identify emotions and communicate them in a positive manner for effec…
The lesson “The Healthcare Workers are My Friends” is part 41 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. This le…
The lesson “Development of Empathy” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kindness, compassio…
The lesson “Development of a Compassionate Spirit” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kind…
The lesson “Self-Control” teaches children about the importance of self and social awareness and how to use that to interact with others …