Child development is not a recent invention or new discovery, rather it is something that God created from the very beginning of time. This devotiona…
The lesson “Dealing with Trauma” enables the mother/caregiver to identify symptoms of trauma disorders, explain processes of working thro…
As we seek to protect the children around us, it is likely that we will experience pushback at times. While reading this devotional, you will be remi…
The lesson “Dealing with Trauma” helps the mother/caregiver recognize contextual examples of life/community events with the potential to …
The lesson “Effective Parenting Methods for Preschoolers and Older Children” helps the mother/caregiver identify characteristics of good …
"Helping Children and Families Thrive Through Home Visits " is the tenth edition of Terry Talks, a curriculum of ongoing video presentations and supp…
"Helping Children and Families Thrive Through Home Visits " is the tenth edition of Terry Talks, a curriculum of ongoing video presentations and supp…
"Helping Children and Families Thrive Through Home Visits " is the tenth edition of Terry Talks, a curriculum of ongoing video presentations and supp…
The lesson “Special Needs Children-Finding Resources in your Local Area” enables the mother/caregiver/to read/hear what the Bible says ab…
This month’s devotion explores biblical and development perspectives on play time, and how easily it can become threatened for a child living i…
The lesson “Encouraging Language and Literacy Development for Older 2’s” enables the mother/caregiver to explain why language and l…
The lesson “Creative Expression Through Art and Music for Older 2’s” helps the mother/caregiver understand how creative expression …
The lesson “Creating a Stimulating Environment for Your Older Toddler” enables the mother/caregiver to explain how a stimulating environm…
The lesson “Encouraging Early Math Skills with Your Child” enables the mother/caregiver to understand how early math skills will benefit …
The lesson “Praying With and For Your Child” equips a caregiver/mother to read/hear what the Bible says about the importance of praying w…
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” enables the mother/caregiver to understand how creative expression thr…
The lesson “Creating a Plan for Toilet Training” equips the mother/caregiver to recognize developmental signs of toilet training readines…
Identifying the Developmentally Delayed Child is a framework to help the caregiver and implementer/mentor/tutor identify and evaluate how a child is …
Series - 23 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains 23 Home Visit lessons for Toddlers and their caregivers. These lessons c…
Series - 24 Resources
The Toolkit for the Survival and Early Childhood Home-based Global Resource Curriculum contains a variety of helpful information to supplement t…
The lesson “Identifying and Serving the Special Needs Child” helps the mother/caregiver identify if her child has special needs. She will…
Series - 3 Resources
"Helping Children and Families Thrive Through Home Visits" is the tenth edition of Terry Talks, a curriculum of ongoing video presentations and suppo…
The lesson “Encouraging Communication in the Home” helps the mother/caregiver understand why asking her child open-ended or complex quest…
The lesson “Strategies to Provide Clean Water for Your Family” helps the caregiver/mother understand the importance of hydration from a c…