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Category | Socio-Emotional Development |
Copyright Owner | Compassion International |
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains Group Activities for Year 2 that bring mothers, caregivers and their children together to play, interact, learn and grow. Group Activities generally provide a time for worship and prayer, guided learning activities, stimulation activities with children and other functional activities. Guided learning and discussion time for caregivers promotes bonding and social interaction, while children learn through activities, play and socialization with adults and other children outside the home. Whether it’s a group of 5 or 25, the 14 lesson plans in this section can be implemented once per month for a year.
Topics include but are not limited to: family planning and birth spacing, communication skills, healthy meals, strategies for conflict and combatting violence, and literacy activities.
Note: The language in these lessons primarily references mothers as the caregiver. However, the content applies to any primary caregiver – father, grandmother, guardian, etc. Feel free to tweak the language to fit your context as appropriate., presented by Compassion International, offers ideas, learning opportunities and relationships to help equip people who work with children-at-risk. We are a worldwide community of Jesus-followers who are committed to the holistic development of children. We invite you to join us as a collaborative community to share with one another the ideas, experiences, methods and tools that help children thrive even in the midst of adversity. is presented by Compassion International, a registered 501(c)3 non profit organization. All resources, courses, and discussions are intended for educational use only, not for profit.