The lesson “Bonding of Child to Caregiver/Family” helps a caregiver understand the importance of bonding with her newborn. It explains va…
The lesson “Recognizing a Baby’s Needs and Signals” is designed to help a caregiver recognize how her newborn communicates needs. U…
Series - 23 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood (SEC) Global Resource Curriculum contains 23 Home Visit lesson plans designed specifically to support a caregiver …
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Animal Bites” helps the mother/caregiver recognize animals in her context that are capable of biting…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Burns” helps the mother/caregiver recognize common situations in her context that pose a risk for ch…
The lesson “When Breastfeeding is Not an Option” helps the mother/caregiver understand why formula is the best option for her baby when b…
This Health Resource is a reference list of codes from the World Health Organization (WHO) for standard injuries. A health worker, implementer, socia…
This Health Resource contains material from USAID that provides industry standard techniques for controlling diarrhea. The information is designed to…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Poisoning” helps the mother/caregiver identify poisonous items familiar to her culture and actions t…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Drowning” helps the mother/caregiver identify bodies of water that pose a risk of drowning for infan…
The lesson “Choking and Respiratory Arrest” teaches the mother/caregiver what to do if her infant/ small child is choking. She will learn…
The lesson “Using Local Resources to Learn About Immunizations and Health Schedules” teaches the mother/caregiver how immunizations prote…
The lesson “The Use of Local Herbs and Local Medicines” teaches the mother/caregiver critical thinking skills to determine the value and …
The lesson “Identifying and Serving the Special Needs Child” helps the mother/caregiver identify if her child has special needs. She will…
Series - 28 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains 29 additional Group Activity lesson plans, covering a variety of topics.…
The lesson “Immunization and Managing Your Child’s Health” helps the mother/caregiver understand how immunizations work and their h…
The lesson “Providing Multi-Sensory Play in Your Home” helps the mother/caregiver understand the benefit of exploring the different sense…
The lesson “What is Child Abuse” helps the mother/caregiver compare child abuse and appropriate behavior management, as well as learn abo…
The lesson “Creating a Positive Socio-Emotional Environment in the Home” helps the caregiver/mother encourage a positive socio-emotional …
The lesson “The Role of Play in Your Child’s Development” teaches the caregiver/mother different types of play, and helps her under…
The lesson “Good Nutrition for Your Child” encourages the mother/caregiver to examine current eating habits, and then categorize foods in…
The lesson “Introduction to Your Child’s Emotional Needs” enables the caregiver/mother to identify emotional needs typical of child…
The lesson “Introduction to Strategies for Child’s Language Development” teaches the mother/caregiver the stages of language develo…
The lesson “Introduction to Child Development Stages and Growth” helps the mother/caregiver understand the stages of child development fr…