The lesson “Resiliency” teaches children more about identifying emotions, as well as exercising self-management throughout life’s d…
The lesson “Dependence on God” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to developing Godly character and…
The lesson “Understanding the Difference Between Guilt and Shame” teaches about personal responsibility as well as managing and monitorin…
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” continues to teach children about the importance of communication in interpersonal relationships and how to…
The lesson “Identifying Emotions (Part 2)” teaches children to further identify and monitor feelings and emotions to aid rather than impe…
The lesson “Developing Healthy Self-Esteem” teaches children to recognize their own God-given strengths and talents and to feel valued an…
The lesson “Emotional Regulation Through Self-Talk” teaches children how to distinguish between thoughts that make them sad and those tha…
The lesson “You Are Wonderfully Made” teaches children that each of us was created by God and known by Him even before birth. Children le…
The lesson “Dealing with Worries and Fear” teaches children how to identify and verbalize his or her fears and anxieties with another per…
In a world that often keeps us occupied with various distractions, we must recognise the unfortunate reality that countless children are deprived of …
The lesson “God’s Plan and Design for the Family” teaches children self-awareness and identity, as well as about being part of both…
The lesson “We Are a Part of God’s Family” teaches children self-awareness and identity, as well as about being part of both an imm…
The lesson “Perseverance” teaches children social and self-awareness, as well as developing the Godly characteristic of perseverance in l…
The lesson “The Child’s Role in the Family” teaches children more about self-awareness and identity, as well as about responsibilit…
The lesson “Learning to Love Others” reminds children of Jesus’ love for each of them and emphasizes how He wants them to serve oth…
The lesson “Servanthood” emphasizes the need for serving others as part of obedience to God. Each child will be able to list two or more …
The lesson “Maintaining Fellowship with God” will discuss the importance of maintaining relationships with others, but also the benefits …
The lesson “Sharing the Gospel Message” teaches children the importance of sharing God’s love with others. Children are asked to cl…
The lesson “I am Crowned with Glory and Honor” guides children in identifying the scriptures that communicate God’s unconditional l…
The lesson “Learning How to Pray” focuses on the children’s relationship with God and ability to pray. Each child will demonstrate …
The lesson “I Have Value” explains how the Bible tells us that we each have great value and worth in God’s eyes. Each child will li…
The lesson “Sin Causes Disunity with God’s Creation” teaches children about how the sin of the world has caused environmental conse…
The lesson “God’s Plan for Redemption” teaches children about God’s eternal plan for redemption. The children will be divided…
The lesson “The Sin of Adam and Eve” reviews the story of Adam and Eve and the consequences of their disobedience and sin. The children w…