The lesson “Development of Empathy” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kindness, compassio…
The lesson “Development of a Compassionate Spirit” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kind…
The lesson “Emotional Modulation Through Self Talk #2” teaches children about the importance of social and self-awareness, including feel…
The lesson “Emotional Modulation Through Self Talk” teaches children about the importance of social and self-awareness, including feeling…
The lesson “Developing Healthy Self-Esteem” teaches children about the importance recognizing God-given strengths and talents in self and…
The lesson “Self-Control” teaches children about the importance of self and social awareness and how to use that to interact with others …
The lesson “Giving and Receiving Forgiveness” teaches children the effectiveness of healthy interpersonal skills, specifically forgivenes…
The lesson “Persistence” teaches children about the importance of assuming personal responsibility and moral obligations in order to deve…
The lesson “Sharing Time and Possessions” teaches children about why it is important to share with each other, based on the development o…
The lesson “Cheerfully Obeys When He-She Doesn’t Want to” teaches children about applying self and social awareness based on develo…
The lesson “Anger Management” teaches children specific strategies to reduce angry emotions based on the idea of developing and acting in…
The lesson “Anger Management” teaches children about the importance of applying self and social awareness in making responsible behaviora…
The lesson “Communicates without Aggression” teaches children about the importance of effective communication and positive exchanges base…
The lesson “Communicates without Aggression” teaches children about the importance of effective communication and positive exchanges base…
The lesson “Conflict Resolution (Part 2)” is a continuation in teaching children about the importance of negotiation and achieving mutual…
The lesson “Conflict Resolution (Part 1)” teaches children about the importance of negotiation and achieving mutually satisfactory resolu…
The lesson “I Communicate My Needs and Desires” teaches children about the managing and monitoring of emotions in order to aid rather tha…
The lesson “I Communicate My Thoughts and Feelings” teaches children about the importance of identifying emotions, both positive and nega…
The lesson “Creatively Express Self with Facial Expressions and Body Language” teaches children the importance of verbal and nonverbal sk…
The lesson “I Know the Difference Between Good-Bad Secrets” teaches children about the differences and outcomes of good and bad behavior,…
The lesson “I Know Where to Go for Help and Support” teaches children about the importance of personal safety and refusal when situations…
The lesson “I Have a Safety Plan” teaches children about the importance of personal safety and refusal when situations do not feel safe. …
The lesson “Using Actions to Protect My Personal Space” teaches children about building relationships and the importance of creating heal…
The lesson “Using Words to Protect My Personal Space” teaches children about building relationships and the importance of creating health…