The lesson “Understanding the Difference Between Guilt and Shame” teaches about personal responsibility as well as managing and monitorin…
The lesson “Taking Responsibility for Own Actions” teaches children about personal responsibility and moral obligations as they relate to…
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” continues to teach children about the importance of communication in interpersonal relationships and how to…
The lesson “Identifying Emotions (Part 2)” teaches children to further identify and monitor feelings and emotions to aid rather than impe…
The lesson “Identifying Emotions (Part 1)” teaches children how to recognize and identify emotions, both positive and negative. Each chil…
The lesson “Body Language” teaches children to both demonstrate and interpret at least three forms of body language. Children learn the i…
The lesson “Assertive Vocabulary” teaches children the ability to verbalize at least three assertive words or phrases in response to some…
The lesson “Physical and Emotional Changes” teaches children about the various ways in which our bodies change and grow as we get older. …
The lesson “Good Touch vs. Bad Touch” teaches children how to distinguish between good touches and bad touches. The children understand a…
The lesson “Identifying Emotions” teaches children to identify and label emotions, both positive and negative. Children learn about the f…
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” teaches children at least two ways to demonstrate empathy to peers who are expressing their own emotions. C…
The lesson “Conversation Skills” continues to teach children the importance of listening and responding appropriately for interpersonal c…
The lesson “Anger Management” teaches children the importance of monitoring feelings in order to aid, rather than impede, in the handling…
The lesson “Development of Godly Character – Encourages Others” teaches children the importance of perspective taking. Children lea…
The lesson “Godly Character – Self Control” teaches children the benefits of slowing down and taking time to make good decisions. C…
The lesson “Develops the Godly Character of Cheerfulness” teaches children more about managing their own emotions and the benefits of dem…
The lesson “Comfort vs. Discomfort” teaches children to identify and label both positive and negative feelings and how those might arise …
The lesson “Competency and Independence” teaches children how to assume personal responsibility. Children learn to understand the importa…
The lesson “Awareness of Strengths and Weaknesses” teaches children to identify at least three strengths and three personal weaknesses in…
The lesson “Listening Skills (Part 2)” is a continuation of Part 1 in the series that teaches children the importance of listening and ho…
The lesson “Express Self Creatively” teaches children how to relate at least two emotions to objects or elements in nature. Children how …
The lesson “Creative Self-Expression” teaches children how to recognize and identify God-given strengths and gifts in self and others, an…
The lesson “Awareness of Strengths and Ways to Improve” teaches children how to identify at least three personal strengths, but also how …
The lesson “Grief and Loss (Part 1)” teaches children about self and social awareness, as well as properly and positively managing emotio…