The lesson “Resiliency” teaches children more about identifying emotions, as well as exercising self-management throughout life’s d…
The lesson “Dependence on God” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to developing Godly character and…
The lesson “Who Am I?” teaches children about appreciating differences. Children learn about the importance of God-given gifts, naming at…
The lesson “Developing Healthy Self-Esteem” teaches children to recognize their own God-given strengths and talents and to feel valued an…
The lesson “Emotional Regulation Through Self-Talk” teaches children how to distinguish between thoughts that make them sad and those tha…
The lesson “You Are Wonderfully Made” teaches children that each of us was created by God and known by Him even before birth. Children le…
The lesson “Identifying Emotions” teaches children to identify and label emotions, both positive and negative. Children learn about the f…
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” teaches children at least two ways to demonstrate empathy to peers who are expressing their own emotions. C…
In a world that often keeps us occupied with various distractions, we must recognise the unfortunate reality that countless children are deprived of …
The lesson “God’s Plan and Design for the Family” teaches children self-awareness and identity, as well as about being part of both…
In the world today, it can be easy for children to forget how God feels about them. When we protect children from abuse and neglect, we remind them t…
The lesson “Creative Self-Expression” teaches children how to recognize and identify God-given strengths and gifts in self and others, an…
The lesson “Accepting Responsibility within the Family” teaches children about personal responsibility and further developing Godly chara…
Whether it’s a busy schedule or simply not wanting to be inconvenienced, we can often times turn a blind eye to the people that need us. This d…
The lesson “Loving Your Family with Words and Actions” teaches children about healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationships, as w…
The lesson “Discovering God’s Plan for Your Community” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to …
To protect children, love is necessary. To love them, we must be willing. We must be converted to the love of God and to be converted to such a love …
The lesson “The Child’s Role in the Family” teaches children more about self-awareness and identity, as well as about responsibilit…
The lesson “Loving the Nations and Praying for Peace” emphasizes the importance of being part of a community at large, praying for a grea…
The lesson “Praying for Others” reminds children about the importance of praying for others. Each child will practice and be able to demo…
The lesson “Serving My Family and Community” teaches children to identify several ways to serve their families and the wider community be…
The lesson “Learning to Love Others” reminds children of Jesus’ love for each of them and emphasizes how He wants them to serve oth…
The lesson “Fruits of the Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience” teaches children about the fruits of the Spirit, specifically focusi…
The lesson “Effective Parenting Methods for Preschoolers and Older Children” helps the mother/caregiver identify characteristics of good …