The lesson “Knowing Personal Strengths and Weaknesses” teaches children about to further recognize and cultivate God-given strengths and …
The lesson “Empathy” teaches children how to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and the importance of recognizin…
The lesson “Takes Responsibility for Own Actions” teaches to apply self and social awareness in making responsible life choices. Specific…
The lesson “Development of Godly Character – Encourages Others” teaches children the importance of perspective taking. Children lea…
The lesson “Godly Character Development – Cheerfully Serves Others” teaches children the importance of respecting others, emphasizi…
The lesson “Peer Mediation” teaches children the importance of mediation and negotiation skills, and how to serve as the mediator when ot…
The lesson “Peer Mediation” teaches children the importance of mediation and negotiation skills. Children come to understand that negotia…
The lesson “Putting Others First” teaches children about interacting with other people in a healthy and compassionate manner, emphasizing…
The lesson “Encourages Others” is a continuation of Lesson 31 in the series and teaches children specific skills in order to encourage ot…
The lesson “Praying for Others” reminds children about the importance of praying for others. Each child will practice and be able to demo…
The lesson “Serving My Family and Community” teaches children to identify several ways to serve their families and the wider community be…
The lesson “Learning to Love Others” reminds children of Jesus’ love for each of them and emphasizes how He wants them to serve oth…
The lesson “Identifying Ways to Serve One Another with Love” will further help children to identify ways they can serve others. Each chil…
Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
This infographic displays what disciple making primarily is in an easy-to-understand format.
The curriculum set, “Developing Christian Leadership Skills in Youth” is a collection of 40 lessons that aims to equip young adults spiri…
The curriculum set, “Spiritual Lesson Plans for Ages 9-11, Year 1” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with a strong b…
The lesson “Problem Solving Skills” teaches children about the application of social and self-awareness and the responsibility of working…
The lesson “Decision Making Skills” teaches children about the application of social and self-awareness and the responsibility of functio…
The lesson “Functioning Independently” teaches children about the application of social and self-awareness and the responsibility of func…
The lesson “Dependability” teaches children how to effectively demonstrate healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationship skills th…
The lesson “Integrity” teaches children how to effectively demonstrate healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationship skills throug…
The lesson “Practices Fairness and Equality” teaches children the importance of interacting with others in a healthy and compassionate ma…
The lesson “Getting Help for a Friend” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and both social and self-awareness in…