The lesson “Body Language” teaches children to both demonstrate and interpret at least three forms of body language. Children learn the i…
The lesson “Conversation Skills” continues to teach children the importance of listening and responding appropriately for interpersonal c…
The lesson “Anger Management” teaches children the importance of monitoring feelings in order to aid, rather than impede, in the handling…
The lesson “Godly Character – Self Control” teaches children the benefits of slowing down and taking time to make good decisions. C…
The lesson “Listening Skills (Part 2)” is a continuation of Part 1 in the series that teaches children the importance of listening and ho…
The lesson “Express Self Creatively” teaches children how to relate at least two emotions to objects or elements in nature. Children how …
The lesson “Conflict Management” teaches children to demonstrate appropriate and positive strategies in conflict situations. The children…
The lesson “Resolving Misunderstandings” teaches children more about the importance of strong interpersonal skills in building healthy re…
The lesson “Conflict Resolution” teaches children to demonstrate appropriate and positive strategies in conflict situations, including th…
The lesson “Developing Good Social Skills” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and the importance of strong inte…
The lesson “Samuel” teaches children about the story of how Samuel came to live in the Temple and how God called him. The children will d…
The lesson “Deborah and Barak” teaches children about Deborah’s message from God and her letter to Barak in the Bible. The children…
The lesson “Assertive vs. Aggressive Communication” teaches children more about the importance of strong interpersonal skills in building…
The lesson “Conflict Resolution Skills” teaches children to demonstrate appropriate and positive strategies in conflict situations, inclu…
The lesson “Developing Good Listening Skills” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersonal…
The lesson “Body Language” helps children to further understand the benefits of verbal and nonverbal communication in expressing oneself …
The lesson “Body Language” helps children to further understand the benefits of verbal and nonverbal communication in expressing oneself …
The lesson “Forming Opinions” teaches children the importance of interpersonal relationship skills and communication in order to have pos…
This short guide helps parents understand typical stress responses in children at different developmental stages, as well as suggestions for how pare…
This short guide helps parents understand typical stress responses in children at different developmental stages, as well as suggestions for how pare…
Series - 2 Resources
This short guide, available in both English and Spanish, helps parents understand typical stress responses in children at different developmental sta…