The lesson “Literacy Activity #8” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Literacy Activity #7” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Competency and Independence” teaches about personal responsibility and the importance of engaging in Biblical and Godly actio…
The lesson “Literacy Activity #6” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Creating a Plan for Long-Term Family Provision” will enable the mother/caregiver to set specific goals for maintaining her sp…
The lesson “Principles of Running a Small Business” enables the mother/caregiver to explain basic small business principles. She will ide…
The lesson “Creating a Plan to Implement an Income-Generating Skill” teaches the mother/caregiver principles of running a small business.…
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” enables the mother/caregiver to understand how creative expression thr…
The lesson “Strategies for Saving Money and Micro-Enterprise Opportunities, Part 2” teaches the mother/caregiver how group micro-credit s…
The lesson “Strategies for Saving Money and Micro-Enterprise Opportunities, Part 1” teaches the mother /caregiver that saving money at th…
This animated musical video teaches children to listen to their feelings. Children are encouraged not to do things that make them feel uncomfortable.…
The lesson “Encouraging Communication in the Home” helps the mother/caregiver understand why asking her child open-ended or complex quest…
The lesson “Building Friendships and Business Relationships in Your Community” supports the caregiver/mother in building friendships in h…
The lesson “Helping Your Child with Self-Help Activities and Transitions Between Activities” helps the mother/caregiver understand why tr…
The lesson “Encouraging Age-Appropriate Self-Help Activities for Your Child” equips the mother/caregiver to teach her child to self-feed …
The lesson “Literacy Activity #3” provides the mother/caregiver with opportunities to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropri…
Series - 4 Resources
The Cognitive Development Lessons series contains resources for developing leadership and life skills. These lessons focus on understanding money man…