The lesson “Manners (Part 1)” teaches children more about healthy interactions with others and self and social awareness in making respon…
The lesson “Being a Genuine and Honest Friend” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and both social and self-awar…
The lesson “Whom to Trust and Whom Not to Trust” teaches children more about personal responsibility and interpersonal relationships. The…
The lesson “Do Not Be Easily Offended” helps children to further understand the benefits of strong interpersonal skills when relating to …
The lesson “Manners (Part 2)” teaches children more about healthy interactions with others and self and social awareness in making respon…
The lesson “Works Cooperatively with Others” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersonal …
The lesson “Working and Playing Cooperatively” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersona…
The lesson “Relating to Peers in a Genuine Manner” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interper…
The lesson “Maintaining Good Relationships” focuses on teaching children further about the importance of effective interpersonal relation…
The lesson “Being a Good Representative of Your Family” teaches children more about self and social awareness, as well as making responsi…
The lesson “Accepts Responsibility Within the Family” teaches children more about personal responsibility and the healthy development of …
The lesson “Showing Love and Respect Toward Family Members” teaches the importance of building effective interpersonal skills, including …
The lesson “Respects Rules and Obeys Parents” teaches children about self and social awareness and the importance of making responsible l…
The lesson “The Child’s Role in the Family” teaches children about personal responsibility and the further development of Godly cha…
The lesson “God’s Design for the Family” teaches children about healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationships and how God h…
The lesson “Developing Good Listening Skills” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersonal…
The lesson “Body Language” helps children to further understand the benefits of verbal and nonverbal communication in expressing oneself …
The lesson “Body Language” helps children to further understand the benefits of verbal and nonverbal communication in expressing oneself …
The lesson “Getting Help for a Friend” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and both social and self-awareness in…
The lesson “Developing a Safety Plan” teaches children about the importance of assuming personal responsibility in order to maintain and …
The lesson “Good Secrets vs. Bad Secrets” teaches children more about self and social awareness, specifically about refusal and how to ef…
The lesson “Assertive Vocabulary” teaches children more about personal responsibility and the healthy development of Godly character thro…
The lesson “Good Touch vs. Bad Touch” teaches children to assume personal responsibility and the obligation to engage in Biblical and saf…
The lesson “Comfort vs. Discomfort (Part 2)” teaches children about self and social awareness, the managing of emotions and feelings, and…