This handout called “Baby Animals” is an activity to be used with the Supplemental Curriculum Unit 6 - God Gave Me Abilities and Talents. This focuse…
The lesson “Knowing Personal Strengths and Weaknesses” teaches children about to further recognize and cultivate God-given strengths and …
The lesson “I Can Help Make a Healthy Home” is part 37 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson …
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” teaches children at least two ways to demonstrate empathy to peers who are expressing their own emotions. C…
This handout called “Coins” is an activity to be used with the Supplemental Curriculum Unit 6- God Gave Me Abilities and Talents. This focuses on the…
If you or someone you know is at risk of being victimized by violence in the home, use this guide to create a safety plan. There are spaces for …
The lesson “Advocating for the Welfare of Others” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to respecting …
The lesson “Competency and Independence” teaches children how to assume personal responsibility. Children learn to understand the importa…
The lesson “Creative Self-Expression” teaches children how to recognize and identify God-given strengths and gifts in self and others, an…
The lesson “Elements within the Community” teaches children about self and social awareness and personal responsibility as it relates to …
Lament is a natural and innevitable part of our lives; however, what about when the the pain isn't our own, but our neighbors? In this devotional you…
The lesson “Serving My Family and Community” teaches children to identify several ways to serve their families and the wider community be…
The lesson “Learning How to Pray” focuses on the children’s relationship with God and ability to pray. Each child will demonstrate …
The lesson “The Sin of Adam and Eve” reviews the story of Adam and Eve and the consequences of their disobedience and sin. The children w…
This document serves as a guide for working with and supporting families who have a history of violence. It includes ways a church worker can help fa…
Hope is a verb. Hope is a muscle that can be strengthened with exercise. Hope is a spiritual discipline that can be practiced. And here is the really…
This collection of five individual lessons builds on the skills acquired during Year 1 on this topic, helping students to increase their critical thi…
This collection of 4 individual lessons focusing on intellectual skills development helps students to think about and identify problems within their …
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” teaches the mother/caregiver about the five stages of grief and the processes for workin…
“Principles of Leadership: Demonstrate Godly Character” contrasts popular cultural advice for success with biblical truths about the impo…
The lesson “Developing Healthy Self-Esteem” teaches children more about recognizing and identifying their own God-given strengths and tal…
The lesson “Sharing Emotions” teaches children how to recognize and identify emotions and communicate them in a positive manner for effec…
The lesson “I Can Help Make a Healthy Home” is part 31 of a 42 part series on parts of the human body, health, and safety. This lesson fo…
The lesson “Baptism of Jesus” further develops the children’s understanding of the baptism of Jesus. The children will name the man…