The lesson “Assertive Vocabulary” teaches children the ability to verbalize at least three assertive words or phrases in response to some…
The lesson “Good Touch vs. Bad Touch” teaches children how to distinguish between good touches and bad touches. The children understand a…
The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum Advocacy Module for Parents, Caregivers, and the Community” is designed to approach the diff…
The lesson “Dealing with Trauma” enables the mother/caregiver to identify symptoms of trauma disorders, explain processes of working thro…
The lesson “Awareness of Strengths and Weaknesses” teaches children to identify at least three strengths and three personal weaknesses in…
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” enables the mother/caregiver to understand the processes of working through grief and gr…
“Child Protection Resource Curriculum: For Parents and Caregivers” is designed to create greater awareness about the rights of children across the wo…
“Child Protection Resource Curriculum: Child Protection Advocacy Module for Parents, Caregivers, and Others” is designed to create greater awareness …
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes (author of the My Body is My Body program) covers the objective of the song, “Say No to Secrets.” S…
The Say No to Secrets Song 6 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the Say No to Secrets song, which is part of the My …
This animated musical video strengthens children’s resolve to speak up if someone tries to hurt them. The video features animated characters si…
The My Body is My Body Children’s Workbook is a complementary, interactive resource designed to help children engage with the content in the My…
In this tutorial video, Chrissy Sykes, author of the My Body is My Body program, covers the objective of the final song in her series called, “…
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes, author of the My Body is My Body program, covers the objectives of the fourth song in her series called, &ldqu…
The My Body is My Body Signs of Child Abuse document provides important tips for responding to a child who reveals information indicating they are be…
A full compilation of the five animated videos and songs from the My Body is My Body child abuse prevention program. The videos entitled: My Body is …
The Love is Gentle Song 5 Tutorial explains the objectives of the final song in the My Body is My Body video series, helping children understand how …
This animated musical video teaches children what love looks like, so they can identify when something is not loving. For supplemental material on he…
The If You’ve Got A Problem Song 4 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the fourth song in the My Body is My Bod…
This animated musical video teaches children the importance of telling a trusted adult if someone is hurting them. For tips on helping children under…
The "What If" Song 3 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the third song in the My Body is My Body series. This song g…
This animated musical video teaches children to say “No!” with authority. The video includes three examples of situations where children …
The If It Don’t Feel Right Song 2 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the second song in the My Body is My Body…
This animated musical video teaches children to listen to their feelings. Children are encouraged not to do things that make them feel uncomfortable.…