The lesson “Empathy” teaches children how to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and the importance of recognizin…
The lesson “Development of Godly Character – Encourages Others” teaches children the importance of perspective taking. Children lea…
We are all image-bearers of God. We were created in His image and He is grieved when abuse takes place for He knows the long-lasting, negative impact…
The lesson “Godly Character Development – Cheerfully Serves Others” teaches children the importance of respecting others, emphasizi…
The lesson “Dealing with Trauma” enables the mother/caregiver to identify symptoms of trauma disorders, explain processes of working thro…
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” enables the mother/caregiver to understand the processes of working through grief and gr…
Lament is a natural and innevitable part of our lives; however, what about when the the pain isn't our own, but our neighbors? In this devotional you…
The lesson “Encourages Others” is a continuation of Lesson 31 in the series and teaches children specific skills in order to encourage ot…
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” teaches the mother/caregiver about the five stages of grief and the processes for workin…
The lesson “Development of Empathy” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kindness, compassio…
Creating safe spaces for children and youth as part of Child Protection in our daily lives is of great importance. Let this devotional challenge…
The lesson “Encouraging Communication and Positive Interaction with Others” enables the mother/caregiver to compare and contrast the ways…
The lesson “Creating a Positive Socio-Emotional Environment in the Home” helps the caregiver/mother encourage a positive socio-emotional …
“Emotional Intelligence Skills” is an in-depth and comprehensive lesson about how God created us with emotions, how to better understand …
The lesson “Empathy” teaches children more about building relationships and the importance of interacting with others in a kind and compa…
The lesson “Encouraging Play and Social Interaction with Other Children” helps the mother/caregiver understand the benefits of social pla…
The lesson “Identifying and Expressing Emotions” equips the mother/caregiver to teach her child to identify and appropriately express his…
The lesson “Attentive Listening with Your Child and Others” equips the mother/caregiver to listen attentively to her children and encoura…
The lesson “Encouraging Age-Appropriate Self-Help Activities for Your Child” equips the mother/caregiver to teach her child to self-feed …