The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum Module - Child Development Workers” is designed to approach the difficult subject of child a…
The lesson “Assertive Vocabulary” teaches children the ability to verbalize at least three assertive words or phrases in response to some…
The lesson “Good Touch vs. Bad Touch” teaches children how to distinguish between good touches and bad touches. The children understand a…
How are you posturing yourself to be a child advocate? This devotional addresses how Godly wisdom, community recognition, and personal responsibility…
The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum - Training Facilitator’s Guide” is designed to train Child Development Workers, parent…
Watch this short video about an adolescent girl in Uganda who escaped her culture's tradition of female genital mutilation. Meet the pastor…
The lesson “Whom to Trust and Whom Not to Trust” teaches children more about personal responsibility and interpersonal relationships. The…
As advocates for children and youth in Compassion, we must be hyper-aware of whether we are tempted down the same path of "the blame game". When conf…
As God's children, born-again, we are ambassadors of our heavenly Father on earth. We are like God's "delegates" to ensure that the virtues of the Ki…
As advocates for children living in poverty, we are often exposed to many different forms of trauma and difficulties. However, there is deep joy in o…
The lesson “Advocating for the Welfare of Others” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to respecting …
This is an open letter to global leaders by global leaders, calling for commitment and action to protect children from violence during the COVID-19 p…
Child, Church and Mission was designed to help churches and seminary students reach, equip, and empower children so that they can maximize their tran…
This Code of Conduct opposes all forms of child abuse and exploitation. It also commits Compassion to do everything within their power to ensure that…
Compassion International’s Board Policy on Child Protection states Compassion’s commitment to promoting the safety and well-being of all …
The "Child Protection Resource Curriculum: Facilitator's Guide" outlines and guides facilitators in the advocacy lessons that can be used to train pa…
“Protecting Children – Active Prevention and Immediate Response: Guide to Protecting Children From Abuse” is designed to create greater awareness abo…
“Child Protection Resource Curriculum: Topics for Children” is designed to create greater awareness about the rights of children across the world and…
“Child Protection Resource Curriculum: For Parents and Caregivers” is designed to create greater awareness about the rights of children across the wo…
The lesson “I Know the Difference Between Good-Bad Secrets” teaches children about the differences and outcomes of good and bad behavior,…
The lesson “I Know Where to Go for Help and Support” teaches children about the importance of personal safety and refusal when situations…
The lesson “I Have a Safety Plan” teaches children about the importance of personal safety and refusal when situations do not feel safe. …
The lesson “Using Actions to Protect My Personal Space” teaches children about building relationships and the importance of creating heal…
The lesson “Using Words to Protect My Personal Space” teaches children about building relationships and the importance of creating health…