As we seek to protect the children around us, it is likely that we will experience pushback at times. While reading this devotional, you will be remi…
The lesson “God Cares for His Creation” teaches children how to tell others that God cares for and loves everything He has created. This …
The lesson “Loving the Nations and Praying for Peace” emphasizes the importance of being part of a community at large, praying for a grea…
The lesson “Praying for Others” reminds children about the importance of praying for others. Each child will practice and be able to demo…
The lesson “Maintaining Fellowship with God” will discuss the importance of maintaining relationships with others, but also the benefits …
The lesson “Sharing the Gospel Message” teaches children the importance of sharing God’s love with others. Children are asked to cl…
The lesson “God Created Me to Worship Him” teaches children about the importance of thanksgiving and worshipping God in song and prayer. …
The lesson “Learning How to Pray” focuses on the children’s relationship with God and ability to pray. Each child will demonstrate …
Based on Luke 18:9-14, this animated video tells the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The story teaches about the integrity of our pray…
The curriculum set, “Spiritual Lesson Plans for Ages 9-11, Year 1” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with a strong b…
The lesson “Saul” reviews the story and life of Saul in the Bible and his journey to being King. The children will state how Saul displea…
The lesson “David as King” introduces children to King David and his difficult path to the throne. The children will discuss together rea…
The lesson “The Tabernacle” uses the story of Moses in the Bible to teach the concept of the tabernacle and how God wants to be with His …
The Core Curriculum for adolescents includes lessons with the purpose of expanding the teens’ knowledge and understanding of the Bible and developing…
This video displays the various ways that children played a vital role in major missions movements and revivals spanning centuries and across contine…
The lesson “Inventory of Mother’s/Caregiver’s Spiritual Gifts and Strengths” encourages the mother/caregiver to build her sel…
The lesson “Principles of a Good Marriage (Contextualized by Church)” is divided into two sections, one for mothers/caregivers who are ma…
The lesson “Possessing a Positive Self-Image” helps the mother/caregiver grow in confidence by identifying positive and unique characteri…
The lesson “Praying With and For Your Child” equips a caregiver/mother to read/hear what the Bible says about the importance of praying w…
The lesson “Your Spiritual Journey/Relationship with the Christian Community” will enable the caregiver/mother to discover the basics of …
Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 10 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Candy gu…
Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 9 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Cand…
Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 8 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Cand…
Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 7 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Cand…