Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
“Principles of Leadership: Practice Personal Disciplines” emphasizes the importance of ongoing personal growth in the life of a leader. T…
In most cases, children and youth have been excluded from the Great Commission. This video helps us understand how children and teenagers can also be…
Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
This infographic shows the importance of encouraging children and teenagers to grow in their faith and allowing them to participate in the disciplesh…
This infographic displays what disciple making primarily is in an easy-to-understand format.
Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
Series - 6 Resources
Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
“Principles of Leadership: Lead with Courage” presents a definition of courage, as well as characteristics of courageous leadership. Exam…
“Principles of Leadership: Exemplify Servant Leadership” explores 10 important characteristics of a servant leader including courage, wis…
“Principles of Leadership: Commit to a Local Church” explains the role of the church in a growing leader’s life, as well as the nec…
“Principles of Leadership: Demonstrate Godly Character” contrasts popular cultural advice for success with biblical truths about the impo…
Series - 11 Resources
The Servant Leadership Lessons series contains resources for growing in character and personal discipline to serve and lead others. These lessons foc…
The lesson “The Transfiguration” teaches children about how Jesus changed on the mountainside, right before the eyes of Peter, James, and…
The lesson “Inventory of Mother’s/Caregiver’s Spiritual Gifts and Strengths” encourages the mother/caregiver to build her sel…
The lesson “Getting Involved in Your Church and Community” enables the mother/caregiver to explore the benefits of serving in her church …
The lesson “Principles of a Good Marriage (Contextualized by Church)” is divided into two sections, one for mothers/caregivers who are ma…
The lesson “Possessing a Positive Self-Image” helps the mother/caregiver grow in confidence by identifying positive and unique characteri…
The lesson “Praying With and For Your Child” equips a caregiver/mother to read/hear what the Bible says about the importance of praying w…
The lesson “Your Spiritual Journey/Relationship with the Christian Community” will enable the caregiver/mother to discover the basics of …
This short animated video is about the parable of the lost sheep - the story Jesus shared to illustrate that He is the Good Shepherd.
Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 10 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Candy gu…
Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 9 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Cand…
Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 8 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Cand…