The lesson “Budgeting and Managing Your Time and Resources” encourages a caregiver to effectively deal with scarcity. By examining the th…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn how to conduct a marketing survey, how to plan…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn about business startup processes, budgeting an…
The curriculum set, “Cognitive Lesson Plans for Ages 9-11, Year 1” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with the skills…
The lesson “Literacy Activity #6” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Principles of Running a Small Business” enables the mother/caregiver to explain basic small business principles. She will ide…
The lesson “Creating a Plan to Implement an Income-Generating Skill” teaches the mother/caregiver principles of running a small business.…
Techniques for Teaching Illiterate and Semi-literate Adults is a helpful list of techniques and examples that can be used to engage adult learners.&n…
Everyday Literacy Skill Activities are complete literacy lessons designed to give the caregiver foundational literacy skills. The lessons are arrange…
The lesson “Introduction to Credit and Loans” helps to develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be economically sel…
The lesson “Making Sample Business Records” reviews the concepts and definitions of the terms “income” and “expenses&rd…
The lesson “Understanding and Evaluating Credit and Interest” helps to develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be …
The lesson “The Value of Creating a Budget” teaches children why keeping a budget is beneficial and essential to financial stability and …
The lesson “Introduction to Income-Generating Skills in Your Area” gives the mother/caregiver opportunity to observe a demonstration of a…
The lesson “Building Friendships and Business Relationships in Your Community” supports the caregiver/mother in building friendships in h…
The lesson “Family Planning and Spacing of Children” helps the mother/caregiver gain awareness of culturally appropriate and locally avai…
The lesson “Everyday Literacy Strategies” helps the mother/caregiver build skills with numbers and letters by incorporating their sounds …
The lesson “Literacy Activity #3” provides the mother/caregiver with opportunities to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropri…
The lesson “Making Wise Financial Decisions” helps to develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be economically self…
The lesson “Financial Terminology” helps to develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be economically self-supportin…
The lesson “Strategies for Creating and Allocating a Budget” helps mother/caregiver identify typical categories in a family budget and te…
The “Basic Principles of Financial Management” discussion guide provides foundational information for managing money wisely. The lessons …
Series - 4 Resources
The Cognitive Development Lessons series contains resources for developing leadership and life skills. These lessons focus on understanding money man…