This lesson aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. At the end of this lesson, students will be able t…
This collection of three lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objectiv…
This curriculum aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. This lessons focus on creating a sanitary envi…
This curriculum aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. At the end of this lessons, students will be a…
This collection of ten activities ranges in topic from career fairs to Bible competitions to designing and selling art. Each activity invites volunte…
This collection of six lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objectives…
This curriculum will help the student lay the foundation for acquiring the relevant skills for making bead products by using locally available materi…
This collection of two lessons builds on the concepts presented in Year 1 of this same topic, teaching students the value of work ethics and team wor…
This collection of eight individual lessons builds on the skills acquired during Year 1 on this topic, help students gain knowledge and information a…
This collection of two lessons provides students with an understanding of God’s view of work, the importance of a strong and positive work ethi…
This collection of 8 lessons enables students to identify traits that will help them in choosing a career. The lessons build on one another, culminat…
This collection of two lessons gives students the ability to hone their employment seeking skills, as well as their employment-keeping skills. The le…
This collection of four lessons gives students skills for job hunting, preparing a resume, interviewing, and maintaining a job through strong work et…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn about business startup processes, budgeting an…
This collection of four lessons builds on all of the information presented in previous years on this topic, preparing students to actively pursue the…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 19+, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip young adults spir…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 12-14, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The curriculum set, “Cognitive Lesson Plans for Ages 9-11, Year 2” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with the skills…
This collection of two lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objectives…
This collection of four lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objective…
This collection of four lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objective…
This collection of four lessons gives students skills for job hunting, preparing a resume, interviewing, and maintaining a job through strong work et…
This collection of six lessons prepares students for their future careers by helping them to identify their work skills, and providing valuable caree…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn to research and report on local entrepreneurs,…