Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
The Core Curriculum for the Christian Worldview lesson series is designed for children between the ages of 6 and 8 includes 7 individual lessons to h…
The lesson “Advocating for the Welfare of Others” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to respecting …
The lesson “God Cares for the Earth” reminds children of the gift of God’s creation, the earth, and how special everything in His c…
The lesson “God Cares for His Creation” teaches children how to tell others that God cares for and loves everything He has created. This …
The lesson “God is a God of Order” teaches children about God’s order in Creation and how to recognize and apply it to our mandate …
The lesson “Loving the Nations and Praying for Peace” emphasizes the importance of being part of a community at large, praying for a grea…
The lesson “Serving My Family and Community” teaches children to identify several ways to serve their families and the wider community be…
The lesson “Jesus Died to Restore Unity Between Humans and God’s Creation” teaches children more about how the death and resurrecti…
Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
“Principles of Leadership: Cherish Family” discusses the importance of valuing and prioritizing the needs of family above work and minist…
The lesson “The Cross and Character (The Roof)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstrating commitment t…
The lesson “Stewardship – Our Relationship with Our Environment – (Green Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the chi…
The lesson “Servanthood – Our Relationship with Others (Blue Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demons…
The lesson “Image-Bearing – Our Relationship with Ourselves (Yellow Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children…
The lesson “Fellowship – Our Relationship with God (Red Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstrati…
The lesson “The Character and Nature of God – The Foundation” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstratin…
The lesson “The Word of God – The Rock (Wisdom)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstrating commitment …
Series - 8 Resources
The Core Curriculum for the Christian Worldview lesson series is designed for children between the ages of 6 and 8 includes 7 individual lessons to h…
“Stewardship of the Body and Healthy Practices” is a study guide that explores the connection between our physical bodies and spiritual l…
Series - 2 Resources
The Physical Development Lessons series contains resources for protecting and promoting physical health, as well as understanding the mental, socio-e…
The lesson “Sharing Time and Possessions” teaches children about why it is important to share with each other, based on the development o…
This animated video is a lively adaptation of the parable of the rich fool, found in Luke 12. Mack, a farmer-turned-cowboy in the Wild West, is surpr…
A man trusts his workers with his property. It is their responsibility to put the man's property to work for a good return. What do they do? Since th…