“Principles of Leadership: Master Communications” provides practical steps for growing communication skills. Through this lesson, student…
The lesson “Business Interview Presentation” give the children the chance to actually present the report to the class that was prepared i…
“Effective Communication and Public Speaking Skills” looks at both verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication and how both play a rol…
The lesson “Telling My Own Story – Part 2” reminds children of the importance of stories in our lives, as well as the ways and meth…
The lesson “Telling My Own Story” reminds children of the importance of stories in our lives, as well as the ways and methods to tell our…
The lesson “How Do We Tell Stories” teaches children the importance of books and stories, as they help with the learning and growing proc…
The lesson “The Bible is God’s Story” introduces the Bible as God’s gift to them, His love letter. The children will learn ho…
The lesson “Presentation of Information Learned” further develops the public speaking skills of children by having them give a public pre…
The lesson “Telling Our Own Stories” reminds children of the importance of stories in our lives, as well as the ways and methods to tell …
The lesson “Presentation of Information Learned” further develops the children’s interpersonal communication and public speaking sk…