The lesson “Problem Solving Skills” focuses on effective interpersonal skills and social and self-responsibility in using problem-solving…
The lesson “Decision Making Skills” further teaches children the importance of making appropriate decisions as part of healthy and positi…
The lesson “Dependability” teaches children the importance of being dependable to others as the trait relates to interpersonal relationsh…
The lesson “Developing Healthy Self-Esteem” teaches children to recognize their own God-given strengths and talents and to feel valued an…
The lesson “Emotional Regulation Through Self-Talk” teaches children how to distinguish between thoughts that make them sad and those tha…
The lesson “Body Language” teaches children to both demonstrate and interpret at least three forms of body language. Children learn the i…
The lesson “Empathy” teaches children how to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and the importance of recognizin…
The lesson “Conversation Skills” continues to teach children the importance of listening and responding appropriately for interpersonal c…
The lesson “Takes Responsibility for Own Actions” teaches to apply self and social awareness in making responsible life choices. Specific…
The lesson “Anger Management” teaches children the importance of monitoring feelings in order to aid, rather than impede, in the handling…
The lesson “Development of Godly Character – Encourages Others” teaches children the importance of perspective taking. Children lea…
The lesson “Godly Character Development – Cheerfully Serves Others” teaches children the importance of respecting others, emphasizi…
The lesson “Advocating for the Welfare of Others” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to respecting …
The lesson “Perseverance” teaches children the definition of the word, “perseverance,” and enables the children to define sit…
The lesson “Godly Character – Self Control” teaches children the benefits of slowing down and taking time to make good decisions. C…
The lesson “Peer Mediation” teaches children the importance of mediation and negotiation skills, and how to serve as the mediator when ot…
The lesson “Independence Means Responsibility” teaches children to apply self and social awareness in making responsible and wise life ch…
The lesson “Leaving a Legacy” teaches children in greater detail about social and personal responsibilities and Godly behavior that leads…
The lesson “Listening Skills (Part 2)” is a continuation of Part 1 in the series that teaches children the importance of listening and ho…
The lesson “Express Self Creatively” teaches children how to relate at least two emotions to objects or elements in nature. Children how …
The lesson “Peer Mediation” teaches children the importance of mediation and negotiation skills. Children come to understand that negotia…
The lesson “Delaying Gratification” teaches children the importance and necessity of delaying gratification and being patient. The childr…
The lesson “Putting Others First” teaches children about interacting with other people in a healthy and compassionate manner, emphasizing…
The lesson “Avoidance and Procrastination” teaches children the definition of both avoidance and procrastination and how these do not con…