“Principles of Leadership: Practice Personal Disciplines” emphasizes the importance of ongoing personal growth in the life of a leader. T…
“Principles of Leadership: Equip Staff” helps students understand their responsibility to equip those they lead. This lesson also provide…
“Principles of Leadership: Master Communications” provides practical steps for growing communication skills. Through this lesson, student…
“Principles of Leadership: Lead with Courage” presents a definition of courage, as well as characteristics of courageous leadership. Exam…
“Principles of Leadership: Humbly Listen” discusses the importance of learning to listen with a humble attitude. Listening is an essentia…
“Principles of Leadership: Exemplify Servant Leadership” explores 10 important characteristics of a servant leader including courage, wis…
In “Principles of Leadership: Live with Integrity,” honesty, reliability and integrity are considered defining aspects of a godly leader.…
“Principles of Leadership: Commit to a Local Church” explains the role of the church in a growing leader’s life, as well as the nec…
“Principles of Leadership: Cherish Family” discusses the importance of valuing and prioritizing the needs of family above work and minist…
“Principles of Leadership: Demonstrate Godly Character” contrasts popular cultural advice for success with biblical truths about the impo…
Series - 11 Resources
The Servant Leadership Lessons series contains resources for growing in character and personal discipline to serve and lead others. These lessons foc…