The lesson “Problem Solving Skills” focuses on effective interpersonal skills and social and self-responsibility in using problem-solving…
The lesson “Decision Making Skills” further teaches children the importance of making appropriate decisions as part of healthy and positi…
The lesson “Peer Mediation” teaches children the importance of mediation and negotiation skills, and how to serve as the mediator when ot…
The lesson “Leaving a Legacy” teaches children in greater detail about social and personal responsibilities and Godly behavior that leads…
The lesson “Peer Mediation” teaches children the importance of mediation and negotiation skills. Children come to understand that negotia…
This curriculum set offers six in-depth lessons on the tools utilized by strong leaders. The lessons teach students how to model their lives after Bi…
This curriculum set offers six in-depth lessons on talent. Students will learn to recognize their own talents, and will come to understand the value …
This curriculum set offers six in-depth lessons on topics that are crucial to emotional health within one’s environment and situation. Students will …
The curriculum set is a collection of 40 lessons that aims to equip students spiritually, physically, cognitively and socio-emotionally by building a…
“Principles of Leadership: Equip Staff” helps students understand their responsibility to equip those they lead. This lesson also provide…
“Principles of Leadership: Exemplify Servant Leadership” explores 10 important characteristics of a servant leader including courage, wis…
In “Principles of Leadership: Live with Integrity,” honesty, reliability and integrity are considered defining aspects of a godly leader.…
“Principles of Leadership: Cherish Family” discusses the importance of valuing and prioritizing the needs of family above work and minist…
“Principles of Leadership: Demonstrate Godly Character” contrasts popular cultural advice for success with biblical truths about the impo…
Series - 11 Resources
The Servant Leadership Lessons series contains resources for growing in character and personal discipline to serve and lead others. These lessons foc…
The lesson “Problem Solving Skills” teaches children about the application of social and self-awareness and the responsibility of working…
The lesson “Decision Making Skills” teaches children about the application of social and self-awareness and the responsibility of functio…
The lesson “Functioning Independently” teaches children about the application of social and self-awareness and the responsibility of func…
The lesson “Dependability” teaches children how to effectively demonstrate healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationship skills th…
The lesson “Integrity” teaches children how to effectively demonstrate healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationship skills throug…
The lesson “Practices Fairness and Equality” teaches children the importance of interacting with others in a healthy and compassionate ma…
This curriculum set offers six in-depth lessons on leaderships. The lessons teach students how to model their lives after Biblical leaders, showing h…
This curriculum set offers six in-depth lessons on living the lifestyle of a leader. The lessons teach students how to model their lives after Biblic…
Series - 3 Resources
The Socio-Emotional Development Lessons series contains resources for growing in self and social awareness. These lessons focus on communication, emo…