This lesson aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. At the end of this lesson, students will be able t…
This collection of three lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objectiv…
This curriculum aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. This lessons focus on creating a sanitary envi…
The lesson “Strategies for Employment After Childbirth” focuses on the caregiver and helps her evaluate returning to employment after chi…
This curriculum aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. At the end of this lessons, students will be a…
This collection of four lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objective…
This collection of six lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objectives…
This curriculum will help the student lay the foundation for acquiring the relevant skills for making bead products by using locally available materi…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn how to conduct a marketing survey, how to plan…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn about business startup processes, budgeting an…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 19+, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip young adults spir…
Plans for ages 19+ Year 1 Curriculum Set Description: The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 19+, Year 1” is a coll…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 12-14, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 12-14, Year 1” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The curriculum set, “Cognitive Lesson Plans for Ages 6-8, Year 2” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with the skills …
The curriculum set, “Cognitive Lesson Plans for Ages 6-8, Year 1” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with the skills …
The curriculum set, “Cognitive Lesson Plans for Ages 9-11, Year 1” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children with the skills…
This curriculum aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. This lessons focus on creating a sanitary envi…
This collection of five lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objective…
This collection of two lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objectives…
This collection of four lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objective…
This collection of four lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objective…
This collection of four lessons aims to equip adolescent students with life skills that may lead to income generation. Each lesson includes objective…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn to research and report on local entrepreneurs,…