This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn how to conduct a marketing survey, how to plan…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn about business startup processes, budgeting an…
The lesson “Strategies for Saving Money and Micro-Enterprise Opportunities, Part 2” teaches the mother/caregiver how group micro-credit s…
The lesson “Strategies for Saving Money and Micro-Enterprise Opportunities, Part 1” teaches the mother /caregiver that saving money at th…
The lesson “Evaluating a Business Plan” teaches children about the criteria for a good business plan and gives them the opportunity to ev…
The lesson “God’s Plan for Businesses” teaches children more formal knowledge for managing a small business or micro-enterprise and…
The lesson “Creating a Business Plan” teaches children more formal knowledge for managing a small business or micro-enterprise. The child…
The lesson “Identifying a Good Business Location” teaches children further about successfully creating a small business and how location …
The lesson “Analyzing Ideas for New Businesses” gives children the opportunity to analyze the ideas formulated in the previous lesson for…
The lesson “Generating Ideas for New Businesses” works to develop the motivation and skills for the children to be economically self-supp…
The lesson “Create a Business Plan” teaches children more formal knowledge for managing a small business or micro-enterprise. The childre…
The lesson “Creating a Poultry Plan” teaches children about why a clean environment is important for both people and animals when raising…
The lesson “Evaluating a Business Plan” teaches children about the criteria for a good business plan and gives them the opportunity to ev…
The lesson “Completing a Plan for a New or Existing Business – Part 2” teaches children more formal knowledge for managing a small …
The lesson “Completing a Plan for a New or Existing Business- Part 1” teaches children more formal knowledge for managing a small busines…
The lesson “New Business Opportunities for Mothers/Caregivers, Part 2” helps the mother/caregiver formulate questions to help her analyze…
The lesson “New Business Opportunities for Mothers/Caregivers, Part 1” helps the mother/caregiver brainstorm ideas for new business oppor…
“Entrepreneurial and Small Business Skills” is a guide for starting a small business. These lessons focus on microenterprise and empoweri…