The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” helps the mother/caregiver understand how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant wo…
The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” educates the mother/caregiver on how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant mother …
The lesson “Preventable Disease-HIV/AIDS” enables the mother/caregiver to list ways HIV is transmitted, identify ways to protect herself …
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Malaria” teaches the mother/caregiver how to prevent malaria transmission within the home and sur…
This Health Resource is a reference list of codes from the World Health Organization (WHO) for standard injuries. A health worker, implementer, socia…
This Health Resource document contains additional information for preventable diseases in the following categories: Upper respiratory diseases, HIV/A…
The lesson “Breastfeeding Consultation” seeks to equip the mother to know how to evaluate her own success with breastfeeding, identify an…
The Lesson “Creating a Plan for Prenatal Care” helps the mother identify common, effective practices of prenatal care and the local optio…
The lesson “Mother’s Health During Pregnancy” seeks to help the mother understand proper nutrition and hygiene during pregnancy. Sh…
Series - 17 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains 17 Home Visit lesson plans for the prenatal and post-birth period, divid…
The User’s Guide & Training Guide is a combined document that addresses the basics of how to use the Home-based Global Resource Curriculum …
This reference document contains an easy-to-read chart with the title of each Group Activity lesson plan and the specific month in which it should be…
This reference document contains an easy-to-read chart with the title of each Home Visit lesson plan and the general time frame in which it should be…
Series - 3 Resources
The curriculum overview documents for Survival & Early Childhood (SEC) programming include quick-reference charts that contain the main topics an…