Jesus had an intense interest in children. He encouraged children to come to Him and He used them as illustrations of simple trust. Thus, to neglect …
The lesson “Principles of Biblical Behavior Management for the Toddler” extends the learning from lesson HV35 by focusing on 10-12-month-…
The lesson “Principles of Biblical Behavior Management in the Home” brings a biblical perspective to managing a child’s behavior an…
The lesson “Effective Parenting Methods for Preschoolers and Older Children” helps the mother/caregiver identify characteristics of good …
“Principles of Leadership: Humbly Listen” discusses the importance of learning to listen with a humble attitude. Listening is an essentia…
All children misbehave. It is normal. Catching bad behavior early can help. Find tips for redirecting children to positive behaviors, considering app…
Parents and caregivers learn about the heart motivations behind how they discipline their children, negative consequences of corporal punishment, and…
Parents and caregivers learn the definition of evil as choosing what is bad for another person's heart, mind and body. The truth is evil is…
The lesson “Understands Values and Rules” teaches children about the importance of social and self-awareness, including respecting values…
This is the fourth book in the Children and Families in the Bible series. The lessons presented in this book look specifically at the importance of p…
The lesson “Encouraging Age-Appropriate Self-Help Activities for Your Child” equips the mother/caregiver to teach her child to self-feed …