The lesson “Elements within the Community” teaches children about self and social awareness and personal responsibility as it relates to …
This collection of two lessons gives students the ability to hone their employment seeking skills, as well as their employment-keeping skills. The le…
This collection of four lessons gives students skills for job hunting, preparing a resume, interviewing, and maintaining a job through strong work et…
This collection of individual lessons helps students evaluate their personal goals through a biblical and thoughtful perspective. This knowledge, plu…
This collection of four individual lessons helps students evaluate their personal goals through a biblical and thoughtful perspective. They will crea…
This collection of four lessons builds on all of the information presented in previous years on this topic, preparing students to actively pursue the…
This collection of four lessons gives students skills for job hunting, preparing a resume, interviewing, and maintaining a job through strong work et…
This collection of six lessons prepares students for their future careers by helping them to identify their work skills, and providing valuable caree…
This collection of four lessons gives students skills for job hunting, preparing a resume, interviewing, and maintaining a job through strong work et…
These five lessons will increase project management skills, helping students gain knowledge about entrepreneurship and business management. Lesson 1 …
The lesson “Business Field Trip” helps to develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be economically self-supporting …
The lesson “Special Skills Related to Local Business” helps to develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be economic…
The lesson “Local Businesses” helps to further develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be economically self-suppor…
The lesson “Different People Like Different Jobs” helps the children recognize individual preferences and skill sets, which leads them to…
The lesson “Local Jobs - Leaders” helps to develop an awareness of the different people and different jobs that exist in the children&rsq…