This is a PDF versions of a PowerPoint presentation, with clarifying notes, of the Poverty Probability Index (PPI) as used by Compassion Internationa…
For implementers of the PPI in Colombia, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensur…
For implementers of the PPI in Ecuador, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensure…
For implementers of the PPI in Honduras, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensur…
For implementers of the PPI in Haiti, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensure q…
This document provides a detailed overview of each Program Quality Measure, including how the measure is calculated and defined, how to collect the d…
For implementers of the PPI in Bolivia, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensure…
The lesson “Preventable Disease-STIs” ensures the mother/caregiver is aware of STI symptoms, helps her identify high-risk behaviors for c…
This guide provides instructions on how to fill out the Compassion PPI form in order for the data to be extracted properly. (This is a revised editio…
For implementers of the PPI in Brazil, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensure …
The lesson “Literacy Activity #7” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
For implementers of the PPI in Indonesia, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensu…
For implementers of the PPI in Guatemala, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensu…
For implementers of the PPI in Peru, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensure qu…
For implementers of the PPI in the Dominican Republic, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each que…
For implementers of the PPI in Mexico, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to ensure …
For implementers of the PPI in El Salvador, this interview guide from the PPI website helps enumerator trainers deeply understand each question to en…
The lesson “Preventable Disease-HIV/AIDS” enables the mother/caregiver to list ways HIV is transmitted, identify ways to protect herself …
The objectives of “Literacy Activity 1” are to: (1) practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to a caregiver’s literac…
The lesson “Safe Gross Motor and Fine Motor Development for the Growing Baby” builds on a previous lesson (HV22) and focuses on children …
The “Portfolio and Literacy Assessment” lesson helps a home-based implementer perform a basic literacy test, so they can understand and a…
This document shows an example of how a PPI Review Sheet could be filled out.
This document shows an example of how a PPI Review Sheet could be filled out.
Series - 3 Resources
This series contains examples of PPI Review Sheets created by Compassion M&Es. These are examples of a best practice where the M&E Specialist…