The lesson “Strategies for Employment After Childbirth” focuses on the caregiver and helps her evaluate returning to employment after chi…
This collection of two lessons builds on the concepts presented in Year 1 of this same topic, teaching students the value of work ethics and team wor…
This collection of two lessons provides students with an understanding of God’s view of work, the importance of a strong and positive work ethi…
This collection of four lessons gives students skills for job hunting, preparing a resume, interviewing, and maintaining a job through strong work et…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn how to conduct a marketing survey, how to plan…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn about business startup processes, budgeting an…
The lesson “Considers Different Perspectives when Forming Opinions” teaches children the benefits of perspective taking, identifying and …
The lesson “Creating a Plan for Long-Term Family Provision” will enable the mother/caregiver to set specific goals for maintaining her sp…
The lesson “Principles of Running a Small Business” enables the mother/caregiver to explain basic small business principles. She will ide…
The lesson “Creating a Plan to Implement an Income-Generating Skill” teaches the mother/caregiver principles of running a small business.…
This collection of five lessons helps students build their entrepreneurial skills. Students will learn to research and report on local entrepreneurs,…
The lesson “Using Prediction to Enhance Reading Comprehension" teaches children a new reading strategy to enhance comprehension and improve stu…
The lesson “Introduction to Credit and Loans” helps to develop motivation and knowledge in children to enable them to be economically sel…
The lesson “Saving and Spending Money Wisely” teaches children the benefits of saving money and of financial responsibility. Together the…
The lesson “Creating a Budget” teaches children why keeping a budget is beneficial and essential to financial stability and success. Toge…
The lesson “Quality Customer Service” teaches children about the importance of customer service, as well as culturally appropriate custom…
The lesson “Understanding of Business Ethics” teaches children about what the Bible teaches surrounding ethical business practices and ho…
The lesson “Making Sample Business Records” reviews the concepts and definitions of the terms “income” and “expenses&rd…
The lesson “Evaluating a Business Plan” teaches children about the criteria for a good business plan and gives them the opportunity to ev…
The lesson “God’s Plan for Businesses” teaches children more formal knowledge for managing a small business or micro-enterprise and…
The lesson “Creating a Business Plan” teaches children more formal knowledge for managing a small business or micro-enterprise. The child…
The lesson “Identifying a Good Business Location” teaches children further about successfully creating a small business and how location …
The lesson “Analyzing Ideas for New Businesses” gives children the opportunity to analyze the ideas formulated in the previous lesson for…
The lesson “Generating Ideas for New Businesses” works to develop the motivation and skills for the children to be economically self-supp…