The lesson “Literacy Activity #8” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Preventable Disease-STIs” ensures the mother/caregiver is aware of STI symptoms, helps her identify high-risk behaviors for c…
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” enables the mother/caregiver to understand the processes of working through grief and gr…
The lesson “Literacy Activity #7” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Clean Clothing for You and Your Child” enables the mother/caregiver to explain at least two or three reasons why it is import…
“Literacy Activity 2” builds on Lesson HV30. The lesson objectives are to: (1) practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to …
The lesson “Composting” helps the mother/caregiver identify local materials available and appropriate for composting. She will learn to e…
The lesson “Raising Poultry” teaches the mother/caregiver safe poultry handling, wise local practices for raising healthy poultry, and ho…
The lesson “Literacy Activity #6” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Inventory of Mother’s/Caregiver’s Spiritual Gifts and Strengths” encourages the mother/caregiver to build her sel…
The lesson “Keeping a Clean House and Living Area” helps the mother/caregiver identify ways to dispose of household waste in a safe, envi…
The lesson “Principles of Running a Small Business” enables the mother/caregiver to explain basic small business principles. She will ide…
The lesson “Literacy Activity #5” enables the mother/caregiver to practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to her literacy …
The lesson “Principles of a Good Marriage (Contextualized by Church)” is divided into two sections, one for mothers/caregivers who are ma…
The lesson “Creating a Plan to Implement an Income-Generating Skill” teaches the mother/caregiver principles of running a small business.…
The lesson “Possessing a Positive Self-Image” helps the mother/caregiver grow in confidence by identifying positive and unique characteri…
The lesson “Your Spiritual Journey/Relationship with the Christian Community” will enable the caregiver/mother to discover the basics of …
Techniques for Teaching Illiterate and Semi-literate Adults is a helpful list of techniques and examples that can be used to engage adult learners.&n…
Everyday Literacy Skill Activities are complete literacy lessons designed to give the caregiver foundational literacy skills. The lessons are arrange…
· The Basic Literacy Skill Activities are designed to give the caregiver a multi-sensory experience to help them retain new…
The Home-based Curriculum Toolkit Contents is a list of all the documents in the curriculum toolkit. The documents are designed for use during home v…
Series - 24 Resources
The Toolkit for the Survival and Early Childhood Home-based Global Resource Curriculum contains a variety of helpful information to supplement t…
The lesson “Teaching Cultural Greetings and Behaviors” helps the mother/caregiver learn characteristics of acceptable and unacceptable cu…
The lesson “What is Child Abuse” helps the mother/caregiver compare child abuse and appropriate behavior management, as well as learn abo…