The lesson “Creating a Stimulating Environment and Interaction for Your Baby” is the next step in learning from the previous lesson (HV23…
The lesson “Recognizing your Child’s Temperament as Well as Your Own” helps caregivers understand the various emotional characteris…
The lesson “Creating a Stimulating Environment and Interacting with Your Baby” explains why early mental stimulation and interaction is c…
The lesson “Bonding of Child to Caregiver/Family” helps a caregiver understand the importance of bonding with her newborn. It explains va…
The lesson “Recognizing a Baby’s Needs and Signals” is designed to help a caregiver recognize how her newborn communicates needs. U…
The lesson “Service Opportunities in Your Community” helps the mother/caregiver see how serving in the local community pleases God and be…
The lesson “Providing Multi-Sensory Play in Your Home” helps the mother/caregiver understand the benefit of exploring the different sense…
Series - 12 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains Group Activities for Year 1 that bring pregnant mothers, caregivers and …
The lesson “Breastfeeding Consultation” seeks to equip the mother to know how to evaluate her own success with breastfeeding, identify an…
The lesson “Communication with Your Child-Developing Positive Language and Praise” helps the mother/caregiver define the proper praise fo…
The lesson “Communication with Your Child-Developing Listening Skills” helps the mother/caregiver understand why listening attentively to…
The lesson “Helping Your Child with Routines and Transitions” helps the mother/caregiver understand why managing transitions between life…
The lesson “Exhibiting Fruit of the Spirit Toward Your Child” helps the mother/caregiver to identify and list the characteristics of the …
The lesson “Establishing Routines and Boundaries for Older Toddlers” helps the mother/caregiver understand how routines and boundaries be…
The lesson “Helping Your Child with Self-Help Activities and Transitions Between Activities” helps the mother/caregiver understand why tr…
The lesson “Encouraging Play and Social Interaction with Other Children” helps the mother/caregiver understand the benefits of social pla…
The lesson “Identifying and Expressing Emotions” equips the mother/caregiver to teach her child to identify and appropriately express his…
The Lesson “Specific Language Development for the Mother/Caregiver (Written and Verbal)” equips the mother /caregiver to communicate effe…
The lesson “Helping Your Child Develop Curiosity and Concentration” helps the mother/caregiver identify ways in everyday life that her ch…
The lesson “Traveling with Your Toddler/Environmental Hazards in the Home” equips the mother/caregiver to identify hazards around the hom…
The lesson “Maintaining Good Personal Hygiene for Your Child” equips the mother/caregiver with methods for preventing disease through pro…
The lesson “Attentive Listening with Your Child and Others” equips the mother/caregiver to listen attentively to her children and encoura…
The lesson “Encouraging Age-Appropriate Self-Help Activities for Your Child” equips the mother/caregiver to teach her child to self-feed …
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” teaches the mother/caregiver how creative expression through art and m…