The lesson “Bonding and Attachment Issues with Your Baby” builds on lessons HV20 and HV28 and focuses on the specific attachment needs an…
The lesson “Bonding of Child to Caregiver/Family” helps a caregiver understand the importance of bonding with her newborn. It explains va…
This document serves as a guide for working with and supporting families who have a history of violence. It includes ways a church worker can help fa…
This document raises awareness about the risk of neglect to children during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will find practical ways churches can engage w…
Parents and caregivers explore how unhealed trauma and pain passes from parents to children and can create ongoing abusive patterns and how forgivene…
Parents and caregivers learn how trauma and hardship can lead to lies of isolation, powerlessness and impurity. They explore the importance…
Parents and caregivers explore how love transforms families by healing pain, breaking abusive patterns and helping parents and children lov…
It can be hard to feel positive when your children are driving you crazy. We often end up saying, "Stop doing that!" But children listen better to po…
The lesson “Strategies for Creating and Allocating a Budget” helps mother/caregiver identify typical categories in a family budget and te…