The lesson “Preventable Disease-Addictions” helps the mother/caregiver understand how addictions can damage her health and her family&rsq…
The lesson “Preventable Disease-Malaria” enables the mother/caregiver to explain how malaria is transmitted and when and how to seek trea…
If you are feeling stress from the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine, there is a good chance your children are feeling it, too. It is important to loo…
The lesson “Preventable Disease-Upper Respiratory Disease” enables the mother/caregiver to identify the difference between upper respirat…
The lesson “Clean Clothing for You and Your Child” enables the mother/caregiver to explain at least two or three reasons why it is import…
The lesson “Recognizing a Baby’s Needs and Signals” is designed to help a caregiver recognize how her newborn communicates needs. U…
Talk to your children about COVID-19. They have most likely already heard something and are already being impacted by school closures and quarantine …
COVID-19 is a stressful time. Share your feelings. Take a break. Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your children. You can do this!
All children misbehave. It is normal. Catching bad behavior early can help. Find tips for redirecting children to positive behaviors, considering app…
Create a routine! Times of crisis bring lots of change and can make children feel like nothing is under control. A structured day helps children feel…
It can be hard to feel positive when your children are driving you crazy. We often end up saying, "Stop doing that!" But children listen better to po…
During the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine, school closures are a chance to build better relationships with your children. One on one time is free a…
Series - 6 Resources
This series of COVID-19 parenting tip sheets provide recommendations for parents to manage their homes and care for their children during the COVID-1…
Talk to your children about COVID-19. They have most likely already heard something and are already being impacted by school closures and quarantine …
COVID-19 is a stressful time. Share your feelings. Take a break. Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your children. You can do this!
We love our children, but the stresses of COVID-19, money worries and lockdown can make us get angry easily. Read these tips on how to recognize…
Children all around the world are facing school closures and isolation in their own homes. Have you tried helping them learn through play? It can be …
Family harmony is your responsibility, as a parent. The more you practice and model peaceful, loving relationships for your children, the more secure…
All children misbehave. It is normal. Catching bad behavior early can help. Find tips for redirecting children to positive behaviors, considering app…
Create a routine! Times of crisis bring lots of change and can make children feel like nothing is under control. A structured day helps children feel…
Stressed about money because of COVID-19? You are not alone. Children asking for things can cause arguments. Try these tips to get everyone involved …
Parenting in a crowded home? It can feel difficult to keep your family healthy and safe from COVID-19. To make it easier, try to share the load,…
Children are now spending a lot of time online. Being online can help them stay connected with friends and family and cope with COVID-19, but there a…
COVID-19 is a stressful time. Share your feelings. Take a break. Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your children. You can do this!