The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” helps the mother/caregiver understand how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant wo…
The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” educates the mother/caregiver on how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant mother …
The lesson “Creating a Safe Home Environment for Newborn / Safe Gross Motor Movement for Newborns” walks a caregiver through a baby&rsquo…
The lesson “Bonding of Child to Caregiver/Family” helps a caregiver understand the importance of bonding with her newborn. It explains va…
The lesson “Recognizing a Baby’s Needs and Signals” is designed to help a caregiver recognize how her newborn communicates needs. U…
Series - 23 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood (SEC) Global Resource Curriculum contains 23 Home Visit lesson plans designed specifically to support a caregiver …
The lesson “When Breastfeeding is Not an Option” helps the mother/caregiver understand why formula is the best option for her baby when b…
This Health Resource is a reference list of codes from the World Health Organization (WHO) for standard injuries. A health worker, implementer, socia…
This Health Resource contains material from USAID that provides industry standard techniques for controlling diarrhea. The information is designed to…
The lesson “The Use of Local Herbs and Local Medicines” teaches the mother/caregiver critical thinking skills to determine the value and …
The lesson “Newborn Hygiene and Diapering” equips the mother to practice proper diapering techniques, demonstrate proper cord care on her…
The lesson “Preparing for the Birth of your Child, Part 2” seeks to help the mother list common postpartum symptoms, possible methods to …
The lesson “Preparing for the Birth of your Child, Part 1” helps prepare the mother with a list of available options for giving birth in …
The lesson “Introduction to Breastfeeding” helps the mother understand why breastfeeding is the healthiest option for a baby. She will le…
The lesson “Understanding the Birth Process” equips the mother to understand and explain the process of giving birth to her child. She wi…
The lesson “Maternal and Newborn Care” seeks to equip the mother to identify diseases that require prevention and ones that can be transm…
Series - 17 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains 17 Home Visit lesson plans for the prenatal and post-birth period, divid…
Series - 3 Resources
The curriculum overview documents for Survival & Early Childhood (SEC) programming include quick-reference charts that contain the main topics an…