The lesson “Resiliency” teaches children more about identifying emotions, as well as exercising self-management throughout life’s d…
The lesson “God’s Plan and Design for the Family” teaches children self-awareness and identity, as well as about being part of both…
The lesson “We Are a Part of God’s Family” teaches children self-awareness and identity, as well as about being part of both an imm…
The lesson “Dealing with Trauma” enables the mother/caregiver to identify symptoms of trauma disorders, explain processes of working thro…
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” enables the mother/caregiver to understand the processes of working through grief and gr…
The lesson “Accepting Responsibility within the Family” teaches children about personal responsibility and further developing Godly chara…
The lesson “Loving Your Family with Words and Actions” teaches children about healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationships, as w…
The lesson “Family Heritage” teaches children about healthy and rewarding connections with individuals and groups, particularly those tha…
The lesson “The Child’s Role in the Family” teaches children more about self-awareness and identity, as well as about responsibilit…
The lesson “Bonding and Attachment Issues with Your Baby” builds on lessons HV20 and HV28 and focuses on the specific attachment needs an…
The lesson “Caregiver Bonding” encourages a caregiver to explore how and when she feels most connected to friends, family, and community …
The lesson “Establishing Routines for Baby” helps a caregiver understand why creating and following a schedule with a new baby is importa…
The lesson “Bonding of Child to Caregiver/Family” helps a caregiver understand the importance of bonding with her newborn. It explains va…
The lesson “Recognizing a Baby’s Needs and Signals” is designed to help a caregiver recognize how her newborn communicates needs. U…
The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” teaches the mother/caregiver about the five stages of grief and the processes for workin…
“Principles of Leadership: Humbly Listen” discusses the importance of learning to listen with a humble attitude. Listening is an essentia…
The lesson “Humor” teaches children about the importance of managing emotions, both positive and negative, for the healthy development of…
The lesson “Resiliency” teaches children about managing emotions for healthy and responsible life choices, as well as for the development…
The lesson “Stress Management” teaches children about monitoring and managing emotions in a positive and productive manner. Children will…
“Helping Others and Influencing and Educating Peers” explores 40 developmental assets that promote a positive self-image, wise decision-m…
The lesson “Identifying Emotions: I’m Sad” teaches children to identify the emotion of sadness and how to identify actions related …
The lesson “Physical and Emotional Changes” continues to teach children about self-acceptance as well as appreciating the differences in …
The lesson “You Are Wonderfully Made” teaches children how the Lord God created each person individually, knowing all their intimate deta…
"Building Better Mental Health and Well-Being" is the eighth edition of Terry Talks, a curriculum of ongoing video presentations and supporting mater…