The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum Module - Child Development Workers” is designed to approach the difficult subject of child a…
The lesson “Assertive Vocabulary” teaches children the ability to verbalize at least three assertive words or phrases in response to some…
The lesson “Good Touch vs. Bad Touch” teaches children how to distinguish between good touches and bad touches. The children understand a…
The lesson “Being a Genuine and Honest Friend” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and both social and self-awar…
The lesson “Whom to Trust and Whom Not to Trust” teaches children more about personal responsibility and interpersonal relationships. The…
The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum Advocacy Module for Parents, Caregivers, and the Community” is designed to approach the diff…
As we seek to protect the children around us, it is likely that we will experience pushback at times. While reading this devotional, you will be remi…
The "Child Protection Resource Curriculum: Facilitator's Guide" outlines and guides facilitators in the advocacy lessons that can be used to train pa…
“Child Protection Resource Curriculum: Topics for Children” is designed to create greater awareness about the rights of children across the world and…
“Child Protection Resource Curriculum: For Parents and Caregivers” is designed to create greater awareness about the rights of children across the wo…
Series - 5 Resources
The “Child Protection Resource Curriculum” is designed to train parents and other caregivers on the issue of child advocacy as it relates to child ab…
The lesson “Getting Help for a Friend” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and both social and self-awareness in…
The lesson “Developing a Safety Plan” teaches children about the importance of assuming personal responsibility in order to maintain and …
The lesson “Good Secrets vs. Bad Secrets” teaches children more about self and social awareness, specifically about refusal and how to ef…
The lesson “Assertive Vocabulary” teaches children more about personal responsibility and the healthy development of Godly character thro…
The lesson “Good Touch vs. Bad Touch” teaches children to assume personal responsibility and the obligation to engage in Biblical and saf…
The lesson “Comfort vs. Discomfort (Part 1)” teaches children about identifying the feelings of comfort and discomfort in a situation and…
The lesson “Developing Healthy Personal Boundaries” teaches children about healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationships and how …
Childhoods in Cultural Context is a course that teaches people various aspects of child development in cultural contexts. As mentioned in the Forewor…
Creating safe spaces for children and youth as part of Child Protection in our daily lives is of great importance. Let this devotional challenge…
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes (author of the My Body is My Body program) covers the objective of the song, “Say No to Secrets.” S…
The Say No to Secrets Song 6 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the Say No to Secrets song, which is part of the My …
This animated musical video strengthens children’s resolve to speak up if someone tries to hurt them. The video features animated characters si…
The My Body is My Body Children’s Workbook is a complementary, interactive resource designed to help children engage with the content in the My…