The lesson “Dependability” teaches children the importance of being dependable to others as the trait relates to interpersonal relationsh…
The lesson “Community Involvement” teaches children more about self and social awareness and personal responsibility within and around th…
The lesson “Manners (Part 1)” teaches children more about healthy interactions with others and self and social awareness in making respon…
The lesson “Understanding the Difference Between Guilt and Shame” teaches about personal responsibility as well as managing and monitorin…
The lesson “I Can Help Protect God’s World and its Creatures” is part 44 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, …
How are you posturing yourself to be a child advocate? This devotional addresses how Godly wisdom, community recognition, and personal responsibility…
The lesson “Being a Genuine and Honest Friend” teaches children more about healthy relationship development and both social and self-awar…
The lesson “Privileges and Responsibilities within the Community” teaches children more about self and social awareness and personal resp…
The lesson “I Can Take Care of My Latrine” is part 36 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson t…
The lesson “Whom to Trust and Whom Not to Trust” teaches children more about personal responsibility and interpersonal relationships. The…
The lesson “Leaving a Legacy” teaches children in greater detail about social and personal responsibilities and Godly behavior that leads…
The lesson “Do Not Be Easily Offended” helps children to further understand the benefits of strong interpersonal skills when relating to …
The lesson “Accepting Responsibility within the Family” teaches children about personal responsibility and further developing Godly chara…
The lesson “Loving Your Family with Words and Actions” teaches children about healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationships, as w…
The lesson “Acting for the Common Good of the Community” teaches children more about self and social awareness and personal responsibilit…
The lesson “Manners (Part 2)” teaches children more about healthy interactions with others and self and social awareness in making respon…
The lesson “Family Heritage” teaches children about healthy and rewarding connections with individuals and groups, particularly those tha…
The lesson “Discovering God’s Plan for Your Community” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to …
The lesson “Works Cooperatively with Others” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersonal …
The lesson “The Child’s Role in the Family” teaches children more about self-awareness and identity, as well as about responsibilit…
The lesson “God Cares for the Earth” reminds children of the gift of God’s creation, the earth, and how special everything in His c…
Hope is a verb. Hope is a muscle that can be strengthened with exercise. Hope is a spiritual discipline that can be practiced. And here is the really…
This lesson encourages students to recognize their style of learning, and allows them to experience a variety of activities in order to assess their …
“Principles of Leadership: Commit to a Local Church” explains the role of the church in a growing leader’s life, as well as the nec…