This document is a calendar of activities to be used with the Supplemental Curriculum Unit 6- God Gave Me Abilities and Talents. The calendar is a to…
The “Supplemental Curriculum Unit 6- God Gave Me Abilities and Talents,” helps children develop a healthy sense of personal identity as God’s child. …
This curriculum set offers six in-depth lessons on talent. Students will learn to recognize their own talents, and will come to understand the value …
The lesson “Sampson” teaches children about how Samson’s father and mother discovered their son would be special and they children …
A man trusts his workers with his property. It is their responsibility to put the man's property to work for a good return. What do they do? Since th…
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” enables the mother/caregiver to understand how creative expression thr…
The lesson “God Has Given Me Many Talents” is part 16 of a 42 part serieson human development, the human body, health, and safety. This lesson teache…
The lesson “Assessing My Talents and Gifts” works to help the children further identify their own unique gifts, skills, and interests tha…
The lesson “Recognizing Strengths and Talents” teaches children how each person was created with different gifts, skills, and interests t…
The lesson “Assessing My Talents and Gifts” works to help the children further identify their own unique gifts, skills, and interests tha…
The lesson “Identifying and Applying Personal Talents and Skills” teaches children how each person was created with different gifts, skil…
The lesson “Exploring Gifts and Talents” teaches children how each person was created with different gifts, skills, and interests that ma…