The lesson “When Water Is Safe” is part 31 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson teaches abou…
The lesson “Water Is Important for Life” is part 29 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson tea…
The lesson “How to Prevent and Treat Drowning” helps the mother/caregiver identify bodies of water that pose a risk of drowning for infan…
The lesson “Clean Water to Drink, Clean Water to Cook” is part 35 of a 42 part series on human development, the human body, family, health, and safet…
The lesson “Floods” teaches children the different causes of floods, as well as what happens during the natural disaster. The children wi…
The lesson “Protecting Water Sources” works with children to help them identify local water sources and list ways to protect the water fr…
The lesson “Build a Water Filter – Part 3" further teaches children about water safety, explaining how clean water is essential to life a…
The lesson “Build a Water Filter - Part 2” reviews water safety with the children, as well as gives them the opportunity to build a sand …
The lesson “Build a Water Filter – Part 1” teaches children about water safety, as well as how a sand water filter functions. The c…
The lesson “Water Sanitation” is part 29 of a 35 part series on human development, the human body, health, and safety. This lesson teache…
The lesson “Safety In and Around Water” is part 17 of a 35 part series on human development, the human body, health, and safety. This les…
The lesson “Water Pollution and Making Water Safe” is part 27 of a 46 part series on human development, the human body, health, and safet…
The lesson “Water Is Important for My Body” is part 26 of a 46 part series on human development, the human body, health, and safety. This…
The lesson “Water Is Important for Life” is part 25 of a 46 part series on human development, the human body, health, and safety. This le…
The lesson “Keeping Germs Off Food” is part 19 of a 46 part series on human development, the human body, health, and safety. This lesson …
The lesson “Water Uses” further develops the children’s knowledge of water and its importance as they learn of the different ways t…
The lesson “Local Water Sources” teaches children about the local water sources in the community, as well as the importance of water for …
The lesson “Water Sources and Contamination” further works with children to help them to understand the importance of water sanitation an…
The lesson “Water Contamination” further develops the children’s understanding of the water cycle, as they name the three primary s…
The lesson “Water Cycle” teaches children to describe and draw the water cycle and how water is naturally recycled all the time. The chil…
The lesson “Water Uses” teaches children about the importance of clean water in their lives, as well as how essential water is to life in…
The lesson “Water Uses” further develops the children’s knowledge of water and its importance as they learn of the different ways t…
The lesson “Using Safe Water” further works with children to help them to understand the importance of water sanitation and safety. The c…
The lesson “Water Sources and Contamination” further develops the children’s understanding of the water cycle, as they name the thr…