19 results with tag: “Compassion”
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Developing Healthy Self-Esteem

Developing Healthy Self-Esteem

The lesson “Developing Healthy Self-Esteem” teaches children to recognize their own God-given strengths and talents and to feel valued an…
Emotional Modulation Through Self-Talk

Emotional Modulation Through Self-Talk

The lesson “Emotional Regulation Through Self-Talk” teaches children how to distinguish between thoughts that make them sad and those tha…


The lesson “Empathy” teaches children how to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and the importance of recognizin…
Takes Responsibility for Own Actions

Takes Responsibility for Own Actions

The lesson “Takes Responsibility for Own Actions” teaches to apply self and social awareness in making responsible life choices. Specific…
Godly Character Development – Cheerfully Serves Others

Godly Character Development – Cheerfully Serves Others

The lesson “Godly Character Development – Cheerfully Serves Others” teaches children the importance of respecting others, emphasizi…
HV97: Understanding and Coping with Grief

HV97: Understanding and Coping with Grief

The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” enables the mother/caregiver to understand the processes of working through grief and gr…
Child Protection Devotion #46

Child Protection Devotion #46

Lament is a natural and innevitable part of our lives; however, what about when the the pain isn't our own, but our neighbors? In this devotional you…
Encourages Others

Encourages Others

The lesson “Encourages Others” is a continuation of Lesson 31 in the series and teaches children specific skills in order to encourage ot…
GR56: Understanding and Coping with Grief

GR56: Understanding and Coping with Grief

The lesson “Understanding and Coping with Grief” teaches the mother/caregiver about the five stages of grief and the processes for workin…
HV91: Special Needs Children-Finding Resources in Your Local Area

HV91: Special Needs Children-Finding Resources in Your Local Area

The lesson “Special Needs Children-Finding Resources in your Local Area” enables the mother/caregiver/to read/hear what the Bible says ab…
Respecting the Rights of Others within the Community

Respecting the Rights of Others within the Community

The lesson “Respecting the Rights of Others within the Community” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, as wel…
Development of Empathy

Development of Empathy

The lesson “Development of Empathy” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kindness, compassio…
Development of a Compassionate Spirit

Development of a Compassionate Spirit

The lesson “Development of a Compassionate Spirit” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kind…
HV81: Getting Involved in Your Church and Community

HV81: Getting Involved in Your Church and Community

The lesson “Getting Involved in Your Church and Community” enables the mother/caregiver to explore the benefits of serving in her church …
The Prayer Covenant: Video Lesson 3 - Compassion

The Prayer Covenant: Video Lesson 3 - Compassion

Join Candy Marballi, President and CEO of The Prayer Covenant, as she walks through Lesson 3 of the book, The Prayer Covenant for Children. Cand…
Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program + Partnership: Guiding Principles

Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program + Partnership: Guiding Principles

Compassion partners with more than 8,000 churches worldwide who are serving children in poverty. At our core, we love Jesus, we love the Church,…
Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program + Partnership: Key Terms

Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program + Partnership: Key Terms

Compassion partners with more than 8,000 churches worldwide who are serving children in poverty. The dignity of the children we serve and the ch…
Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program + Partnership (Video)

Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program + Partnership (Video)

Compassion International partners with churches around the world as they minister to children and families living in poverty. Watch this video to see…
Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program

Sharing the Story of Compassion's Global Program

Series - 3 Resources
Compassion partners with more than 8,000 churches worldwide who are serving children in poverty. At our core, we love Jesus, we love the Church,…