The lesson “Understanding the Difference Between Guilt and Shame” teaches about personal responsibility as well as managing and monitorin…
The lesson “Takes Responsibility for Own Actions” teaches to apply self and social awareness in making responsible life choices. Specific…
The lesson “Do Not Be Easily Offended” helps children to further understand the benefits of strong interpersonal skills when relating to …
The lesson “What it Means to be Made in God’s Image” teaches children to identify proof in scripture that God created each of them …
The lesson “Giving and Receiving Forgiveness” teaches children the effectiveness of healthy interpersonal skills, specifically forgivenes…
This animated video explains that offering and accepting forgiveness is important in the Kingdom of God. In the parable of the Unjust/Unforgiving Ser…
The Prodigal Son videos, a two-part, animated series, tell the parable of 'The Lost Son' (or Prodigal Son) as found in Luke 15:11-32. Part Two looks …
The Prodigal Son videos, a two-part, animated series, tell the parable of 'The Lost Son' (or Prodigal Son) as found in Luke 15:11-32. Part One follow…
Series - 2 Resources
The Prodigal Son videos, a two-part, animated series, tell the parable of 'The Lost Son' (or Prodigal Son) as found in Luke 15:11-32. Since the video…
The lesson “I Can Love Myself” helps children to distinguish that no matter what has happened in their lives, they are always loved by Go…
The lesson “Jesus and the Church” teaches children about how Jesus died for all of mankind and that the Church, as a whole, has the respo…
The lesson “God’s Plan for Redemption” teaches children about God’s eternal plan for redemption and how Jesus lived on earth …
The lesson “God the Son- Who is Jesus?” teaches children to identify that God the Son, Jesus, came to die for our sins, set us free from …
The lesson “Joseph Forgives His Brothers” teaches children about the importance of forgiveness through the Bible story of Joseph and his …
The lesson “Communicating Remorse” teaches children about how certain behaviors can hurt other people or damage property. Using fun anima…
The lesson “Self-Acceptance: Your Body, Your Health” is part 12 of a 46 part series on human development, the human body, health, and saf…