The lesson “Creating a Stimulating Environment with Sensory Experiments and Play” extends the learning from lessons HV23 and HV27 and foc…
The lesson “Creating a Stimulating Environment and Interacting with Your Baby” explains why early mental stimulation and interaction is c…
The lesson “Blind People Are Special to God” is part four of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This less…
The lesson “Creating a Stimulating Environment for Your Older Toddler” enables the mother/caregiver to explain how a stimulating environm…
The lesson “Classifying the Five Senses” is part 36 of a 42 part series on human development, the human body, health, and safety. This lesson is a re…
Series - 42 Resources
The Core Curriculum for children between the ages of 6 and 8 years includes 42 individual lessons that help develop the child physically. This set of…
The lesson “Providing Multi-Sensory Play in Your Home” helps the mother/caregiver understand the benefit of exploring the different sense…
The lesson “Introduction to Child Development Stages and Growth” helps the mother/caregiver understand the stages of child development fr…
The lesson “Five Senses” reviews the five senses with the children and enables them to identify the different senses and the parts of the…
The lesson “Sense of Smell” teaches children to identify that their noses are used for the sense of smell. Each child will identify 2-3 i…
The lesson “Sense of Hearing” teaches children to identify that their ears are used for the sense of sound. Each child will be able to id…