The lesson “Resiliency” teaches children more about identifying emotions, as well as exercising self-management throughout life’s d…
The lesson “You Are Wonderfully Made” teaches children that each of us was created by God and known by Him even before birth. Children le…
The lesson “Dealing with Worries and Fear” teaches children how to identify and verbalize his or her fears and anxieties with another per…
In a world that often keeps us occupied with various distractions, we must recognise the unfortunate reality that countless children are deprived of …
Child development is not a recent invention or new discovery, rather it is something that God created from the very beginning of time. This devotiona…
The lesson “God’s Plan and Design for the Family” teaches children self-awareness and identity, as well as about being part of both…
The lesson “We Are a Part of God’s Family” teaches children self-awareness and identity, as well as about being part of both an imm…
The lesson “Comfort vs. Discomfort” teaches children to identify and label both positive and negative feelings and how those might arise …
The lesson “Accepting Responsibility within the Family” teaches children about personal responsibility and further developing Godly chara…
The lesson “Loving Your Family with Words and Actions” teaches children about healthy and compassionate interpersonal relationships, as w…
The lesson “The Child’s Role in the Family” teaches children more about self-awareness and identity, as well as about responsibilit…
The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 12 and 14 includes lessons that work to develop the socio-emotional skills of teenagers. Less…
The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 12 and 14 includes lessons that work to develop the socio-emotional skills of teenagers. Less…
At the end of this lesson the children will be able to explain that God the Father loves them and cares for them.
The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 includes lessons that work to develop the socio-emotional skills of teenagers. Less…
The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 includes lessons that work to develop the socio-emotional skills of teenagers. Less…
The lesson “Stress Management” teaches children about monitoring and managing emotions in a positive and productive manner. Children will…
The lesson “David and Jonathan” gives children the opportunity to discuss what life would be like as either a king or a prince. The child…
The lesson “Gideon’s Fleece” helps children to understand God’s reassurances, His protection, and His peace. The children wil…
The lesson “God Alone – His Creative Power” teaches children about the characteristics of God and His awesome power. Each child wil…
The lesson “Development of Empathy” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kindness, compassio…
The lesson “Development of a Compassionate Spirit” teaches children about the importance of respecting others and treating them with kind…
The lesson “Emotional Modulation Through Self Talk #2” teaches children about the importance of social and self-awareness, including feel…
The lesson “Emotional Modulation Through Self Talk” teaches children about the importance of social and self-awareness, including feeling…