How are you posturing yourself to be a child advocate? This devotional addresses how Godly wisdom, community recognition, and personal responsibility…
Child development is not a recent invention or new discovery, rather it is something that God created from the very beginning of time. This devotiona…
The lesson “I Have Value” explains how the Bible tells us that we each have great value and worth in God’s eyes. Each child will li…
This animated video tells the parable of the wise and foolish builders, as told by Jesus in Matthew 7:24-27. One man took much care in building his h…
The lesson “Fellowship – Our Relationship with God (Red Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstrati…
The lesson “Wise King Solomon” teaches children about the wisdom of King Solomon, responsibility, and asking for what one needs. The chil…
The lesson “God Leads the Israelites with a Pillar of Fire by Night – Cloud by Day” teaches children more about the faith in God an…
The lesson “I am Created in His Image” explains how God created each and every individual in His image. The children will come to underst…
“Basic Principles of Bible Study” is about reading, studying and presenting scriptural truths. The lesson explores techniques for deducti…
The lesson “Solomon Writes Many Proverbs” teaches children about how the Bible is full of many wise sayings, defining the word ‘pro…